Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Giving you an Insight

Hey girls! Do you ever happen to see something you absolutely love and want, only to realize it's actually menswear?

Meet the Topsy Turvy t-shirt, from Insight's artist collaboration line. This one in particular, is printed with artwork by Justin Lee Williams. Just do a google image search with his name - it will leave you speechless.

Well, a mens t-shirt? Who cares? I wanted it! And getting it for free for helping with a project didn't hurt either... Thanks for that Athlorama Sports and Dimosthenis!

Anyway, looks like it was fate for me and the Insight t-shirt to meet, because a few weeks after that, I got a newsletter from an online boutique, saying they were having a huge sale on all their womens Insight clothes. In other words, they made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Let me just say, I got four items in total and I'll leave you with that for now. Big post coming next, featuring all my newly delivered goodies.

If my camera decides to behave, that is...

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Inevitable, after all

Well, she already is incredible and invisible, so I guess it was inevitable for Sugahspank! to start her own blog too, a fact I discovered thanks to her leaving a comment on my dear blog-friend Lucia's latest post. I have already mentioned her before in this post, where the picture above was taken from, but if you can't be bothered to click on the link (seriously, how lazy are you? just click already!) then let me just tell ya that I admire her for her unbeatable style as much as for her amazing music.

I already know Sugahspank! is just a girl like the rest of us who really likes clothes, so should we hope to see some fashion-related posts from her?
We'll just have to wait and see...

For the time being, show her some blog-love at

Monday, 28 September 2009

Running errands

Now the whole studying thing is over, I love getting my life back to its normal pace. This Monday morning, I got up at 10 and made a huge to-do list. Boringly, most of it was about house chores, but there was also a "pick up parcels from the post office" entry.
Which, needless to say, got crossed off first thing!
Expect photos of my newly delivered goodies tomorrow.

Pegged grey sweatpants, H&M. Plain black t-shirt, ZARA. Anthracite grey long cardigan, ZARA. Stripy scarf, BERSHKA. Silver ballet flats, ZARA.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Architecture degree, CHECK

Yup, that's right!

I finally presented my thesis titled The Architect-Client Relationship. An Ever-Existing Problem in Post War Greece last Thursday, and now I can happily say that I'll be officially graduating in November. Sorry I've been absent from this blog for so long, but it couldn't have been done any other way. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to remember once again how all this blogging thing is done.

Glad to be back!

The picture above is all I could bring myself to photograph from my presentation outfit:
An H&M A-line skirt with tiny grey-and-white stripes, my silver-grey Maloles flats, a plain black t-shirt and this wooden bead handmade necklace for touch of colour.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Oh, well

This has to be a quickie post, so I'll be brief in my rant.
So many wonderful things are going on around the fashion blogging world and I'm stuck here studying. I mean, how freakin awesome was the Weardrobe Conference in New York? All the coolest fashion bloggers having a field trip. And the Fashion's Night Out events in all the big cities (had one here in Athens too) and, well, hello? NYeffingFY. Thank goodness Bryanboy is tweeting everything straight from the front row.

Well, what has to be done will be done.

But not before I say I few things:

My, oh, my. Aren't fashion bloggers finally getting it out there? I mean, Susie, Bryanboy, Rumi and Tavi where all the rage in the front row. And lo and behold, the Bloggers Take Up The Front Row article by and the Fashion's Secret Helpers article on the Wall Street Journal, for crying out loud. How freakin cool is that?
Keep 'em coming, please!

And thanks to Nenyaki's tweet, I have more fresh, fashion-blogger-friendly news to share: Fashion bloggers get their own changing rooms in Kfem department store in Sweden.
Yes sir!

Aaaaaand, the ever-lovely Rebecca of The Clothes Horse sent over some much-needed love, by mentioning me and our meet-up during last year's Athens Fashion Week in her recent interview over at Delightfully Tacky.
Thanks darling!

That's about all, but before I end this brief whatever, who's in for some free music? More specifically an amazing mp3 mixtape by one of the most talented musicians I know. My dear friend Larry Gus just released the Weathers Mixtape as a prequel to his upcoming album and you can download it for FREE. Yeah for great music!

Ok, I got it all out of my system, so this is where I stop ranting and bury my nose back into my desk. See ya...

Oh, and kids, don't you ever forget that rudeness and disrespect are never in vogue. Yes Kanye, I mean you. You made the whole world cringe, including Beyoncé. Now please make yourself disappear and don't forget to take Amber Rose's fluo string bikini and the CAPS LOCK key along with you. They're both hurting my eyes.


Thursday, 3 September 2009

When September ends

No, I won't be sleeping 'till then and I don't need any alarm-clock action. However, this blog will be on a temporary hiatus until about then.

Life caught up with me.