Saturday, 30 August 2008

Normal? around for a coat in August?
Mango, 99 euros

Friday, 29 August 2008

Sisterly shopping

My sister Effie is the exact opposite of me. She hates shopping in all its forms. Going to a shop, trying on stuff and choosing what she likes or needs at the time is a no-no for her. And when in real need, like in the middle of a I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR crisis, she does shop my wardrobe. Bless her though, she's my sister, so I am now her designated professional shopper. So, Effie, as you are molded in your couch amongst your cognitive science books (such a NERD), please take 5 seconds out of your valuable time and give a chance to these two overly cute pairs of ballerina flats in size 36 that have been finally reduced from 84 euros to a mere 20 a pair. I know that maybe you need a 37, but I have been eying them up for you since March, when your feet were still a 36. The black will be perfect to dress up, as you can't really walk in heels without looking like a giraffe. No hard feelings there, we both know you do. Personally, I would buy the blue pair, but I don't have the freakishly small feet you have. So, what do you think? Buy both?

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Clothes, by any other name would smell as sweet

As I learned in previous adventures in shopping land, you should not judge a book by its cover. In that particular case, it was about the fabulous kiddies shoes I snatched at Zara in my - adult - size, just as summer was kicking in. Coming now, at the end-of-summer sales, another fine example of this rule. I present you with my new, fierce and 40% reduced Benetton maternity clothes.Actually, I had already bought that dress in black for full-price in the beginning of the season and I wore it so much, I had to buy it in brown as well. And the pants, oh my, the pants! Great quality linen, with extra-wide elastic waist that actually looks great and not maternity-pantsy and super cute bow belt that sits just on my hip bones. Have I mentioned that they are super comfy? And they were both size XS? Not my usual, let me tell you. That is called instant gratification, my friends. And yours truly is a happy - and most importantly unprejudiced - shopper.

Thursday, 21 August 2008


That's what I have to turn myself into in order to have my final thesis ready come October. So, I might as well have the t-shirt too.
Supergirl t-shirt from Bershka bought yesterday for €9,90

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

A vacation from clothes

So, here I am, fresh from my sea-sun-and-sand holidays on various greek beaches and many of you probably expect the photos that documented the great time I had and the outfits I wore. Well, true with the first one, not so much with the second. You see dear readers, as aforementioned, my holidays were just that. A break from everything. That included clothes. No, I didn't go to some nudist resort, but my daily routine was something like that: I woke, I threw on a bikini, I spent my day on the beach and then I showered, put on some shorts and a vest and chilled out on the front yard. See any clothes worth mentioning there? Me neither. And though I am actually very proud off my bikini collection, I actually don't consider it proper to parade myself in various degrees of bikininess (just made this up) on this blog. So, excuse the absence of holiday photos, of me that is. Because this is actually an excellent opportunity to present you with another fashionista whose beach style I very much admire. My mum:

Monday, 18 August 2008

While I was lying on a beach...

...fabulous things happened in the blogosphere:
Annabanana had a very stylish Thursday

Sal seriously rocked some paper-bag-waisted shorts and reassured us we can too

and Rumi managed to look cool in nightmare from the 90's: the white backless tie-on butterfly crop top

As for me, I just returned and I am tan as hell. Expect more soon. I missed you!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008


I would like to announce that as from tomorrow I will be parading my bikini collection on the sandy beaches of Chalkidiki, so I will be unable to post until Monday. Either than being extremely jealous, feel free to also
  1. go through my archives (there is some interesting stuff there, people)
  2. visit some of the talented folks on the list below my archives
And remember, summer isn't over until we say so. That is unless you live on the southern hemisphere, in which case I can't really help you. See you soon!

Monday, 11 August 2008

Update on the Katie Holmes issue

I know it's a bit lame to make a new post just to provide information regarding a previous one, but this is serious stuff people: According to Catwalk Queen Katie Holmes doesn't have a personal stylist. This is where it gets interesting: She and Tom have a couple's stylist named Jeanne Yang. Is this the reason they wear the same jeans? The actual SAME pair of jeans? I don't know, maybe Suri's Louboutin habit is getting out of control, but cutting back by sharing a stylist? How un-hollywood of them, and yet kinda romantic. With a creepy twist.
Here's Katie wearing more feminine high-waisted jeans.
Great style, would look better without the cameltoe, though.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Is Katie Holmes going all fashion icon on us?

While I was doing my usual browsing around across all my favorite celebrity gossip sites this past week, I couldn't help but notice this:
Allegedly, Katie Holmes loves wearing her husband's Tom Cruise jeans because she misses him while she is in New York doing rehearsals for her new play. And even when she isn't wearing the "boyfriend" or should we say "husband" jeans, she still manages to look stylish, feminine and comfortable in a very young and hip way. Basically, what we all want to look like.
Notice the red sole there? *sigh*

Personally, I love this style. I hate tight jeans and I have a vast collection of ballet flats, so I'm making this style one of my fall inspirations. But what do you think? Is she a style pioneer or is this her stylist we're actually seeing in those pictures?

pictures from dlisted and IDontLikeYouInThatWay

Friday, 8 August 2008

A Rare Breed

How beautiful is this picture? She looks so innocent and yet strong and fierce. Her name is Johanna and her portrait, amongst other equally stunning photographs of redheads, is featured in the blog named A Rare Breed. The creator, Julia Baum, states:
Some say we're going extinct. As a redhead myself, I think the world needs more pictures of our Rare Breed.
I just want to say: I wanted to be a redhead since my childhood. Now I see it would be a bit inconvenient and kinda against nature, given I live in sunny Greece throughout the year. I'm perfectly happy with my olive complexion and natural blond highlights on my light brown hair. But I still covet a red mane!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Chie Mihara, you put a spell on me

For the second time (first one here) I couldn't help it. After digitally salivating almost every day for the past 4 months over those Chie Mihara Solita in gray, I gave in...... and when I found them in black in french electronic boutique RZOSTORE for 129 euros, reduced from 215, my credit card magically came out of my purse and bought them! Well, no. But as my birthday is in the end of August, I consider them an early present to myself. And yes, I know, I'm weak!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008


...puffy denim miniskirt from Benetton, 40% off in summer sale.Bought it yesterday, wore it today. With star-printed flip-flops. Great in the intense greek summer heat.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Dear net-a-porter, you are evil!

Monday, 4 August 2008

Can't help it

Both pictures from Popsugar.

Yes, I admit that I love celebrity/fashion gossip. But so do most of you, so I had to share: Is Kate Moss pregnant or just no longer a supermodel? None of these options a bad thing, of course, just wondering...

Sunday, 3 August 2008

DIY rocks!

Back in the day, I casually mentioned that I finally got myself a sewing machine and proclaimed that the wonderful world of home-sewing would soon be my kingdom. Well, I haven't exactly been productive, but sometime in late May, I managed to do this little alteration:The dress is by Bershka and I bought it on sale for 3 euros. Well, 2.95 to be exact. It was supposed to be a kind of loose beach dress, but the multi-colored band wouldn't fit around my chest. However, it had exactly the circumference of my under the bust measurement and I also had a pair of gray leggings I never wore, so I had an idea...Wore it last night with white flip-flops and it felt great!

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Summer is still going strong...

...and I am still enjoying my new bikinis. This one is by Undercolors of Benetton, bought from their bargain basket for just 20 euros! I think it's just been promoted to my favorite.
As I spent all day in the family vacation house, I threw it on in a hurry to go for a quick dip in the sea with my mum. I managed to take the picture in the balcony, just before we headed to the beach. I think this cat thought I looked really silly.
Next time dear kitty, stick to the balcony view, or I'll make you my bikini model. Wet bikini model.

LBD, take one

Continuing my never-ending presentation of the new stuff I got last month in summer's sales, I present you with the latest addition to my vast collection of little black dresses. I really ought to count them someday. Anyway, this one is by Sisley, an italian casualwear brand, similar to Benetton, but without the multitude of rainbow colors. Although it is size small, it was rather roomy, so I replaced the same-material, loose (but rather nice if used as a scarf) belt that came with it, with another new summer-sales buy, a blue tie-around-the-waist-twice belt, made from the softest leather I've ever touched. I also added my trusty double necklace from Pull and Bear, that goes with just about everything, and gathered the shoulders using two black elastic hairbands. That last one wasn't about style. It was just too hot to have sleeves on my shoulders!