Saturday, 2 August 2008

Summer is still going strong...

...and I am still enjoying my new bikinis. This one is by Undercolors of Benetton, bought from their bargain basket for just 20 euros! I think it's just been promoted to my favorite.
As I spent all day in the family vacation house, I threw it on in a hurry to go for a quick dip in the sea with my mum. I managed to take the picture in the balcony, just before we headed to the beach. I think this cat thought I looked really silly.
Next time dear kitty, stick to the balcony view, or I'll make you my bikini model. Wet bikini model.


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Cute swimsuit! I've gotten a couple recently but no excuse to wear them. I hope you've been getting good use out of yours!

s.i. michaels said...

What a cute bikini! And it sounds like it's getting use, unlike mine.

Anonymous said...

Με γειάααα..όντως πολύ όμορφο και τα αστεράκια σαν trend στην Ελλάδα τώρα άρχισαν να πιάνουν,οπότε καλή επιλογή!
Βέβαια το σχόλιο-απειλή στη γάτα ήταν κορυφαίο..