Would you like to exchange links with me?
I don't do link exchanges. All the blogs in my blogroll are there because I love them. I will happily visit your blog, but it's not a matter of I link you, you link me back. I'll take a look and if I like it enough, I'll add it anyway.

Can I borrow your pics?
If they're not going to be used for profit, yes. But you have to link them back to this blog. That is with an actual *clickable link* not just a mention. Even better, link back to the original post the pic was posted on, not just the blog. If you drop me a word too, it will be much appreciated!

Do you advertise on your blog?
I do. However, I would never endorse something I don't believe is of interest for my readers and/or wouldn't buy myself. If you are an advertiser and you think your product is of my taste & would interest my readers, you can contact me for more details at fashionarchitect@hotmail.com.

(this page is a work in progress, if you have any blog-relevant questions you'd like me to answer, please sent me an email at fashionarchitect {at} hotmail {dot} com and I'll update it)