Sunday, 2 May 2010

Les arts décoratifs

These are some art deco housewares I photographed in Bröhan Museum, during my stay in Berlin. Bröhan specializes in Art Nouveau, Art Déco and the Berlin Secession, which are my absolute favourite eras in art history.

And these are the famous YSL cage heels, photographed next to an Eiffel tower miniature by The Cherry Blossom Girl.

Glad to see other people noticing the aesthetic connection of the now iconic YSL design and turn-of-the-century art and architecture.


Elena said...

Oh... the cage heels...!

Wrong Guy said...

super to pedilo!


Anonymous said...

wow superb! i love the heels aw ;)

Daisy Dukes said...

those shoes...thelo

Kasia W. said...

it looks so similar! architecture also can inspiring for fashion designers!;)

Fashion By He said...

great heels!! very cool

come follow the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think

regina said...

Hmmm..Can shoes be cute and romantic and at the same time so modern and simple??
Well these YSL definetely can...