Friday, 23 December 2011

Rainy days

Wellies are magical on days like that, nothing gets through them and tootsies stay dry.

Got mine courtesy of Blanco (here is the link for them on the online shop, sadly not shipping to Greece yet) but if there were more colours available, I'd buy them all too!


Maria said...

I also have a pair of rain boots in the same colour as yours! just to beat the winter's blues :)

ShoppingTherapy said...

είναι σωτήριες! πώς τα καταφέρναμε παλιά χωρίς αυτές? anyway, καλές γιορτές!

Inspiration partout said...

I love wellies!A bright color always cheers me up on rainy days!Merry Christmas!

Sandra Azwan said...

wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year