Monday, 7 November 2016

Loukia Omnium Gatherum

Monday October 31st 2016 we gathered to celebrate the 40 years of legendary Greek haute couture fashion house Atelier Loukia.

Loukia Omnium Gatherum - as it was called - was a perfectly executed by boutique communication agency Plus More 360° in grandeur and class, with the help of an array of big sponsors, all while showing immense respect to Loukia's story and vision.

Kudos to the production team for having the ability to juggle all these and winning the bet.

As to Loukia's work, you really can't beat the craftmanship and love for real couture handwork.

Really, if you have ever witnessed Loukia in action - like I had the honour back in the day - surely was mesmerized by her instinctual hand motions that twirl lace and chiffon into couture.

The show was broadcast live and you can watch the recording here:

If you now find yourself craving more Loukia, you can visit the "Οmnium by APIVITA" photography exhibition in downtown Athens, with work by 23 Greek fashion photographers, featuring Loukia creations. Hurry up, it is open 12:00-20:00 daily November 1-10.

Thank you for existing Loukia, people like you are rare nowadays.

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