Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Share the love

I'm happy to see there's a lot of blog love going around these days. Some time ago (btw, sorry for the delay, sweetie) Becca Jane declared my blog fabulous, by giving me an award. Well, it seems she wasn't the only one that kinda likes me, cause I got the same award from beloved fellow greek blogger Alecca Rox, just a few days ago. And now the amazing blogger/architect (the real thing, not student) Jessie also awarded me with another new, cute and pink one.

Thank you so much, Becca Jane, Alecca and Jessie!

Now, how do I tackle this? I've already done a "10 loveliest blogs" tag a month ago, and I don't want to just repeat myself. So, I thought instead of doing a list, I could suggest to all of you fine people in search of fresh blogging talent, to go through my - maybe too extensive - blogroll, on the right column of this blog. I pay a visit to all of the listed blogs at least once a fortnight, I add new ones every few days and occasionally I delete some, so you'll find no boring or abandoned blogs in there. Back in the day, when I was just a newbie in this fashion-blogging world, this was how I found many of you fine people out there.

So, I say take your chance. I believe all of the blogs in my list are fabulous, otherwise they wouldn't be there. You could start in the top and work your way to the bottom or click away randomly. Who knows, maybe your new blog obsession is somewhere in there.

Oh, and one last thing. Don't limit yourselves only to the FASHION BLOGS. Some of my favourite daily reads are listed under the NOT FASHION, BUT STILL NICE title. If you love DIY and interior design, you will find some true gems there. And if you are mad about fashion illustration, like I am, you simply must nose around my FASHION ILLUSTRATION blogroll. Right now I'm slightly obsessed with Apartment Therapy, as I am in the middle of planning a house move, and I can't get enough of the cute little apartment photos and awesome DIY ideas they post.

After all this madness (architecture school work and house move) ends, I'm planning a lot new things for this blog, among which is a series of posts, introducing you to my favourite daily reads. Until then, feel free to click away!


Raquel said...

congratulations girl!
and good luck with all that work on moving and your architecture stuff!

Anonymous said...

Well-deserved recognition, lady. ;)

Anonymous said...

Bravo!!! ;)

ambrosiac said...

Congratulations, Lopi. Let me take the opportunity to ask a fashion if offtopic question: what is your opinion about these shoes,


Disregarding Biblical injunctions re cloven hooves :P, am I alone in feeling uneasy about asking a woman out if she insists on donning this sort of thing?!

ambrosiac said...

Sorry, it got truncated