Monday, 18 May 2009

Weekend memories

Back to work after a wonderfully quiet weekend in Volos. I drank tsipouro and ate meze next to the sea, had coffee with friends, watched the Eurovision song contest while barbecuing souvlaki on a terrace, and generally spent an awful lot of time just doing nothing at all.

The view of Volos' port from my boyfriend's house.
Great place for outfit pictures too.

This is pretty much what I wore during the entire weekend. Everything is one or two seasons old and mostly by Zara, except for the beaded bracelet, which is a new purchase from Accessorize.

BTW, have you read my latest article on ermoumag about ethnic jewelery? That link is for the greek article, but there is also an english version here. I wrote it last week, and it got me so obsessed, I just had to get something ethnic-inspired myself!
This job is dangerous for my pocket, I tell you!


ONiC said...

so cute. that simple shoes really catch my attention :)

ToKataifi said...

sounds like you had a relaxed weekend...
nice bracelet(like the article,too) and red flats

K@terina B. said...

ouuuuuuu lopita exoume to idio vraxioli...!!! to agapaw!! nice view, juicy flats, kai apsogi photo!! ;)

p.s: to pira...eisai polu cute, kai to foulari me ta alogakia xexwrizei (paratirise: egw esu k i alecca forame idio lip gloss :P)

perimenw to badila *&#@ post :P

Elena said...

Lovely! Seriously, you can drink tsipouro? So brave! I can't even smell it!
I absolutely LOVED the latest accesorize collection! I must have spent more than 100€ for bracelets and earrings!

Lopi said...

K@terinaB: Τα μεγάλα πνεύματα συναντιώνται και στο Accessorize! Το βρήκα και εγώ το Glamour στον Βόλο, είχε πολύ πλάκα γιατί είχα αγχωθεί και έβαλα την αδερφή μου να το δει πρώτη! Η Αμαλία έκανε φοβερή δουλειά!!!! Θα το ποστάρω λογικά σήμερα το βράδυ ή αύριο, αλλά όχι όλο το άρθρο, να αγοράσει και ο κόσμος το περιοδικό!

Elena: Χαχα, τόσα χρόνια στον Βόλο έχω κάνει γερή προπόνηση στα τσίπουρα! Πότε θα δούμε τα καινούργια σου αποκτήματα από Accessorize?

lucia said...

αχ, ζηλεύω...περιμένω πως και πως το επόμενο σκ να πάω κι εγώ ένα ταξιδάκι στο Βόλο..

-δεν έχει πολύ φασαρία εκεί που μένει ο φίλος σου? πάνω από όλα τα μαγαζιά της παραλίας...

μ αρέσει πολύ το χρώμα των παπουτσιών!

Marietta said...

Nice view and I love the article about ethnic bangles.
I went to Accessorize and they have amazing stuff, I want them all!

Hari K said...

oooh!!!! you found the magazine too?!!?!?!?
can't wait to see the article!!!

Raquel said...

oh your comment make me laugh :) I just bought those flip-flops because I have a camping trip next week and needed some black ones :) but be sure to go there and buy them, they have them in black, white, brown and red/orange I think.

I like the bracelet and how it makes the outfit shine.

about eurovision, I didn't like the greek song :| my favourites were norway, iceland and romania.

hope you have a good week. x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a heavenly weekend!

DaisyChain said...

sounds perfect!

Mirka said...

looking good, as always! i went to a greek restaurant this weekend, so delicious! x

Alecca Rox said...

what a delicious post! sounds like you had fun. i like the ethnic touch, so summery...

efi said...

αχ ξεφορτώθηκες για τα καλά καλσόν και παντελόνια... εγώ ακόμα διστάζω και κρύβομαι κάτω από τζην...

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding girl? I was thrilled to see my chucks on ermou mag!!!! Your outfit is gorgeous, I want that shoes...but I already have like a zillion ballet flats...

Anonymous said...

Latrevw to sunolo,kalokairino me ethnic vraxioli k teleia flats!k ap'oti fainetai eixes ena teleio s/k...trexw na agorasw to glamour btw...:)

amalucky said...

Teleia ta s/k, :) mou aresei toso na taksideuw estw kai 2 writses makria arkoun.

Volos, phlio einai uperoxa!

polu xarhka pou sou arese to Glamour :)

Ta ethnic kosmimata me vazoun sto pi kai fi se summer mood, eidika ta skoularikia

Christiana said...

Molis pira to Glamour!!! Teleio afierwma!! Pisteuw meta apo auto tha auksanontai synexeia ta ellinika blogs!!It was Inspiring as always!!