Thursday, 31 December 2009

Seen the last of 2009

For my last outfit of 2009, I chose to wear my supergirl t-shirt. It's been quite a good year for me, and I feel proud for that. I finally got my architecture degree, I had my first two real jobs, I went on trips to Bucurest, Amsterdam and York, and many other wonderful things...

Moreover, I saw this blog blossom even more. And for that I want to thank you dear readers. May we have an even more amazing year in 2010!

Green cardigan, Mango. Supergirl t-shirt, Bershka. Grey knit skirt, Benetton. Grey ballet flats, Pull&Bear. Black shawl worn as a scarf, given to me by my grandma.


Ivan McK said...

Great choice in the t-shirt...this blog is super. You were the first thing I read since I began blogging this year and for that I am grateful. Keep up the good work. A happy and prosperous new year to you and yours. Godspeed!


Tuesdai Noelle said...

I LOVE that Supergirl sweater, it looks unique and comfy.

Happy New Year :)

Mairyliscious said...

teleio tee agapi !!!!!
kalh xroniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Kristen Leo said...

to t-shirt einai soooo cute!!!
kalh xronia!!!!!!

daisychain said...

I love your tee!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, I hope 2010 is wonderful to you xxx

ShoppingTherapy said...

happy new year (super)girl!

Raquel said...

happy new year lopi! wish you the very best form 2010!

Froso M. said...

Exw pou exw adynamia sta T-shirt, eida kai afto k trelathika! Kalh xronia!