Friday, 12 February 2010

Alexander McQueen R.I.P.

Creating An Art Piece

Spring Summer 1999

The Bridegroom Stripped Bare
Performance on Fashion Deconstruction

Pegasus Light Installation

Spring Summer 2008

This is just a small part of the legacy Alexander McQueen leaves behind.

He will be missed.

(a thank you is in order for my friend, the director dipyadeep, who inspired me to do this video post)


daisychain said...

such a tragic loss of an incredible talent.


anastasia said...

fantastika video! efxaristoume poli! eidika gia ta 2 prota, ton ektimisa akoma perissotero!

Alecca Rox said...

beautiful clip selection. he was raising the standards, wasn't he?

Ivan McK said...

Nobody like Mr. McQueen...unbelievable inspiration and an unbelievable tragedy.


plaisirs simples said...

i'm so sad about this...such talent. RIP

m said...

R.I.P. στο καλύτερο Βρετανό σχεδιαστή μόδας... :(
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