Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Chloé, Zara and Melissa

It's a balmy autumnal weather here in Greece. Perfect for making the most of my plastic-fantastic Melissa flats that are too hot for mid-summer and too cold for the dead of winter.

And have you heard that thing that says you can't wear jewellery on top graphic print tees? Well, who cares? I wear this strand of bright red coral beads over my See by Chloé tank top all the time.

Also, my carrot pant obsession is just now starting to take off. Meet my new acquisition from trusty Zara:

Just €30 and terribly comfortable. I've already wore this pair so much., I had to get them in blue too!

Quite funny if you think about it:
Chloé, Zara and Melissa are all actually girls' names in English.
Graphic-print tank top, See by Chloé. Beige carrot pants, ZARA. Black plastic flats, Vivienne Westwood Anglomania for Melissa. Coral bead necklace, made by me. Two-finger bow ring, Erica Anenberg.


Vali said...

Ta papoutsia einai poli oraia. I alitheia einai oti ithela ki ego na paro kati tetoia plastika, alla fovomoun mipos me xtipisoun. Kakos ekana kai den ta pira?
BTW, nomizo pos einai i proti fora pou vgazeis foto kai koitas tin kamera, esto kai plagios. Panta koitas sto plai. . .

Lopi said...


Καλημέρα! Τα Melissa είναι πολύ άνετα, ειδικά αυτό το σχέδιο που φτάνει ψηλά στην φτέρνα δεν με χτυπάει ή με στενεύει καθόλου, ακόμα κι όταν τα φοράω όλη μέρα. Απλά δεν είναι για όλες τις εποχές, οι ιδανικές θερμοκρασίες για να τα φοράς είναι φθινόπωρο και άνοιξη.

Πάντως έχω βγάλει αρκετές φωτό που κοιτάω τον φακό παλιότερα, αν πας προς τα πίσω στο αρχείο μου στην κατηγορία OUTFITS και πατώντας "older posts" όταν φτάνεις κάτω-κάτω στην σελίδα θα βρεις αρκετές, όπως εδώ
πέρυσι τον Απρίλιο :)

Anonymous said...

Otan kaneis tetoia ntusimata mas sugklonizeis olous!!!!!!!!!!!Kali sou mera

Lopi said...


Για να συνεχίζετε να έρχεστε, μάλλον ναι.

T said...

Cute look - I like this a lot.

Angie said...

Latrevw ooola ta melissa shoes...kai eidika twra exoun vgei kati uperoxa sxedia..Love them all..;))

Anonymous said...

Think we have the same pants, mine in black! Cool outfit!

Alessia said...

aaaaa very nice!!!

Panagiota said...

the necklace looks good on this tee!maybe because it doesn't have many colourful beads! And who makes the rules about what we "should" wear and what not anyway?

joanaddicted said...


Mairyliscious said...

teleia kotsida , analafro ntusimo chic !

Anonymous said...

Hello Lopi!

I've been reading your blog for sometime now. I'm really new at this fashion thing - cause I always said that fashion is yesterday compared to good style!But you inspired me a lot and I owe it to you that I just received my first online ASOS order (and made the second one!!).So thank you for your courage of putting yourself "out there".
Friendly, d.
P.S.-This probably is concidered very rude of a total stranger and feel free to ignore it, but: Did u have a nose job?

Lopi said...

@anonymous 15:21

Happy to make you see fashion/style (whatever you want to call it) is fun! I'd love to see what you got from ASOS... If you ever want to contact me, you can do it also at

And yes it's a rather unusual question, but no, I haven't had a nose job, even though I've always wanted a slimmer nose ever since I can remember. You see, I'm terribly afraid of change (I don't even colour or cut my hair, just trim it) so I always kinda knew I'd never try it in fear if ruining who I am. I know my nose looks quite different in that pic of me 10 years ago, but I can only guess it's because I was still growing out of that "awkward" adolescent phase we all go through.

Thanks for your comment, I hope to see you around here again!

not a girl not yet a woman! said...

Like AQUA used to sing life in plastic is fantastic!I adore plastic shoes!!!!

Raquel said...

i so want a pair of carrot pants, preferably in camel!! :)
you're right this is the perfect time to wear Melissas! I should wear mine more often...

Anonymous said...

So very, very chic. And I think the beads are PERFECT atop that simple graphic tank.

ShoppingTherapy said...

ασχετο, τα μαλλια σου εχουν μακρυνει παρα πολυ! ωραια ειναι!

Sookie said...

Poly poly omorfo outfit!! By the way ta mallia soy einai y-pe-ro-xa!!

Reaction said...

Omorfo olo to sunolo!kala to panteloni to exo se mpez kai xaki kratiomoun oriaka gia to mple!tromera aneto kai voliko kai tairiazei me polla!me stroto me takouni polu to xarika k ego!

Unknown said...


This carrot pant is amazing and fit with everything!
i have the same!
Nice outfit

Vixen said...

I have the same melissa shoes, they are sooooo comfortable!!The best for the weird Greek autumn. Nice outfit :)

€lisavet said...

Αγαπώ αυτό το blog :)

Vixen said...

I will definately make a post about this shop, I don't think there is another place in Athens (or the world) selling Melissa so cheap!!

Rebecca Jane said...

I love those Melissa shoes!! So cute