Friday, 9 September 2011

At the OZON Soirée

fashionarchitect.net_ozon_soiree_outfit_1Bleached denim button-down shirt, Lee. Floral skirt and black leather belt, vintage. Cognac leather bag, Uterqüe. Multi-buckle wedge sandals, MIA via Reverse.


Call me M said...

Para poli wraio look!

ShoppingTherapy said...

lipstick? that berry-cherry one you like or something new? looks great anyway

Lopi said...

thanks! it's that really moisturizing one by Clinique in "Parisian Red" and in that pic I had actually already eaten away most of it

Inspiration partout said...

Nice outfit!I really like the skirt!

C said...

LOVE the pattern on that skirt!

Vanda said...

Poli oraia fousta...para poli!!!!

chloe said...

i love the denim shirt used in a ladylike outfit, id usually imagine denim shirts in more casual/rocky looks. very nice!

Anonymous said...

teleia fousta!