Saturday, 22 October 2011

Conquistador SS2011 at AXDW


Tassos Sofroniou is a Greek designer, stylist, photographer, TV persona and one-man-show behind menswear label Conquistador. Although the collection has been up and running for a while now, this was its first ever runway show.

I always have great respect towards the great craftmanship of his designs (here it was mostly about motorcycle-inspired pants) yet I feel there could have been less of that nude-beige fabric. I mean, if it can't flatter the Adonis lookalike model, that blond topless one had the whole audience gasping everytime he set foot on the runway, then it won't be of any good to anybody else. My favourite piece however, were the leather shorts (not pictured here as we didn't have a good place to shoot proper pics).

To learn more about Tassos Sofroniou and Conquistador, read the interview he granted me back in March.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

haha i can see why the blonde topless one had the audience gasping, what an amazing physique! :-)

it's interesting to see greek menswear on the catwalk, this is a first for me. i've noticed that greek designers put a lot of emphasis into craftsmanship and perhaps that's what i like about greek fashion.. one of my fav jewellery designers are from your country (konstantino) that always have amazing details

steph /