It was just a casual tapas-and-sangria night for Greek fashion bloggers, hosted by Evi Efthymiou of Wrangler and yours truly.
Unfortunately, I was so distracted chatting, I only remembered to whip out out my camera when half the crew had already left, but all my darlings were there: Thalia, Stella, Katerina, Tasos, Stefanie, Maria Flora, Despina, Chara, Maddie, Joanna and Kristen. I had to give Elena a leave of absence due to work-related stuff, but I'm sure I can lure her into a private tutoring session over some KFC.
Stephanie, Tasos and Maddie have also posted a lot more pics than me, so if you wanna snoop around a bit more, please do!
This was only the start!
KFC sounds GOOD! Oh well, that's why I love you!
it was a really warm and interesting evening, sorry I had to leave early...
τι όμορφη παρέα! Βλέπω και φατσούλες που αγαπώ τρελά!
τελεια! Looks fun!
Τι ωραία!!!!
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