Sunday, 15 June 2008

Even a kid could do that!

Ok, I have to share: I had a footwear revelation last week inside a ZARA store. In the kid's department. Are you ready for it? Here it goes: THEY MAKE SHOES UP TO SIZE 40. They do start at a very children-appropriate size 23 (sooo cute), but they reach 40! And they are cool shoes too! Needless to say, as soon as I had this epiphany, I spent some time going around with my eyes fixed on the bottom selves, like a girl possessed. I finally decided on these cream, yellow and gold flat sandals, that give me a strong feeling that they were ripped of some designer's original collection. Maybe Prada? I don't know... If you do, please leave me a comment! But I couldn't either resist these two, well four actually, pieces of cuteness. They were on sale you see... The olive-green flat sandals for 19 euros and the dusty-pink shiny maryjanes only 10 euros. It would be a childish mistake not to have them.


White Lightning said...

i love love LOVE the yellow and white sandals! i wonder if they have them here in the states?? i have to find out!

. said...

:)) Only now ?!?!? I use zara kids shoes for some time now ..I discovered them with a friend of mine , she wears 35 and the only place she finds decent shoes was zara kids i started also buying the cutest shoes ever!! not all are proper for grown-up modern girls ..but some are just perfect :P