Monday, 30 June 2008

I have blogger’s guilt…

…but not the usual kind. You know, the “gosh, I’m so sorry I haven’t been blogging for so long, but my boyfriend left me/my dog died/been too lazy to bother” kind of guilt. No, mine is due to a completely different reason. I feel guilty because I blog in English. You see, I am Greek, born and raised in Greece and still living in Greece. And I chose to blog in English for completely vain reasons, meaning I didn’t think anyone - except maybe a handful of female friends - would read my blog if it was written in Greek. And probably I am right. But now that I’ve been blogging for almost three months and I have found out that Greek fashion bloggers – writing in Greek – aren’t unicorns, meaning they actually exist, I feel kinda guilty for my choice. It's like I’m betraying someone here! Silly, isn’t it? I also suspect that most of my aforementioned real-life Greek friends that always assure me they read my blog, actually only look at the pictures. Many have already admitted it. I’m just waiting for the rest to come out.


Anonymous said...

Νιώθω τύψεις για τον ακριβώς αντίθετο λόγο,επειδή δε δίνω στο μπλογκ μου την ευκαιρία να έχει περισσότερους αναγνώστες!Αυτό κ αν είναι ανόητο..
Και το καλύτερο δε σου το είπα!Στην αρχή ήθελα πολύ να είμαι "μονόκερος" μέσα σε χιλιάδες "άλογα",με απλά λόγια επέλεξα να γράφω στα ελληνικά για να κάνω την διαφορά γιατί πίστευα ότι υπάρχουν άνθρωποι που θέλουν να διαβάζουν ένα μπλογκ τέτοιου είδους στα ελληνικά,χωρίς να χρειαστεί να κάνουν μετάφραση μές στο κεφάλι τους.Εγωιστικό σίγουρα!
Οπότε προσωπικά σε θαυμάζω,κ αν ήμουν στη θέση σου-δηλαδή ήμουν τόσο fluent στα αγγλικά-θα αφιέρωνα περισσότερο χρόνο για να γράφω ποστς σε δύο γλώσσες!Ίσως μια μέρα το κάνω..

Anonymous said...

I would miss you if you switched to Greek, but would totally understand. ;)

Maybe you could go the route of Le Blog de Betty and post in Greek AND English!

Old Man Foltz said...

Nice blog! I'm glad you liked my painting!

Erika said...

I can understand where the guilt is coming from. But, I am actually happy that you blog in English. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy your blog. Thanks for blogging!! I really like your taste in clothes, your style and I get a lot of fresh ideas.