Seems like I live in a Zara fitting room, doesn't it? But it's the perfect place to take outfit pictures! Nice light, two-way mirrors and privacy. Yes, I may be in the temple of sin, but these are all my own clothes, no new shopping! Let me explain: Today I was in downtown Athens running errands, but I finished early and I had some time to kill till 6, when I was supposed to meet up with my sister. So, what better way to kill time than browsing through racks of clothes, right? No, I never get bored of going there. Yes I did shop some things, *but* they weren't for me, they were for my dear sis, who as I mentioned before, is too posh to shop. Doesn't count!
Wearing my really old black Zara trench coat, bag, scarf, barely seen gray cardigan and this blue dress all from Bershka and gray ballerina flats from Pull and Bear.
Xwris plaka twra, pas sta dokimastiria twn Zara kai autofwtografisezai? pws exoun antidrasei otan se exoun dei na to kaneis?
Κοίτα, αν με βλέπανε, αυτός που θα έκανε φασαρία θα ήμουν εγώ φυσικά, γιατί αυτό θα σήμαινε ότι θα έβλεπαν και διάφορα άλλα που they're NOT supposed to see!
Fitting rooms = privacy.
Και εξάλλου, οι φωτογραφίες στα δοκιμαστήρια είναι πάγια πρακτική στον κόσμο των fashion blogs και δεν έχω ακούσει από κανέναν κάποιο πρόβλημα. Αλλά ναι, μέσα στο ίδιο το κατάστημα απαγορεύονται οι φωτογραφίες. Εκεί αν χρειαστεί λειτουργούμε σαν τον James Bond που φωτογραφίζει απόρρητα έγγραφα με την φωτογραφική-σπιρτόκουτο. Και το κινητό με φωτογραφική βοηθάει επίσης...
You know, you keep changing my mind about Zara, I used to hate it before for having dull shirts(I used to only get one graphic tee), but the stuff you take pics of are totally nice!
I think that we are two cases of Zara-holics! Don't you think?
Nice outfit by the way!
Gah, I miss Zara. I wish we had them here.
those photos are great! =) i wouldn't have thought of using the mirrors to create such a great effect in the dressing room... I love Zara too! Only most of the stuff is usually too expensive >< but I still enjoy going to the shops to lust over outfits haha
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