Then, it was all the way down to Faliro to attend Art Athina International Contemporary Art Fair. In numbers: 60 art galleries from 12 different countries showing works by 300 artists. Which means long post ahead.

The exhibition from above.

By Alexandros Vasmoulakis, aka ZAP51.

By Alexandros Psychoulis, a professor of mine at the University of Thessaly.

"Coffee table" by Nina Kotamanidou

Oooops, don't remember that one!

"Flood" by Stelios Faitakis, aka Bizare.

Unitled by Fryni Mouzakitou.

"Explosion" by Ramazan Bayrakoglu. I included the detail, so we can admire together!

"The birth of flight" by Matthew Burrows

"His nurse on earth" by Matthew Burrows

"To those who have ears" by Matthew Burrows

Untitled by Teta Makri

By Theofilos Katsipanos

By Jiannis Kounellis
Can you read what the sign above the cubicles reads?

"Culture is a safe.
Put your money in cultural things!"
Art Athina ends tomorrow, Sunday May 24th, so all of you living in Athens, hurry up if you what to see some art!
να πάρει η ευχή δεν προλαβαίνω να πάω...γκρρρρ
μαλεράκο μου, κακώς!
ας ελπίσω τουλάχιστον ότι κάτι πήρες πρέφα από τις φωτγραφίες μου, να μην αισθάνεσαι ότι το έχασες και τελείως.
Really nice pictures!!!
I was there on Friday at the opening but the place was packed so I didn't manage to take good pictures!!!
Today is also the last day of ΟΠΑ the 2nd performance festival that takes place on Bios!
This week has been art frenzy!!! And there are more things to come with Thessaloniki Biennale and Athens Biennale!!!
I will post an overview some time this week!!!
Really, did you like Art Athina??
I really liked it! I was even thinking of going back again today, but no time whatsoever to get all the way down to Faliro.
Looking forward to reading your opinion!
a) unfortunately I didn't visit the exhibition-shame on me, so i don't have any comments about it.
b)about the shoes: i'm honoured that you like them lopi!!! yes, i remember some old posts of yours, commenting on the correct heel/ wedge about our spine...these are wedges and -i think- comfortable for walking..
πολύ καλύτερα -οργάνωση, ποιότητα, επίπεδο κλπ- από παλιά που γινόταν στη helexpo
εσύ βολτάρεις αθήνα κι εδώ πήζουμε!!
ps. this guy theofillos is obviously inspired by pat andrea!
Γεια στο στόμα σου ρε ρουτουμού! Και έσπαγα το κεφάλι μου να θυμηθώ ποιόν μου θυμίζει... Μάτι βγάζει η ομοιότητα!
:( too bad pou den piga to savvato!!! k exasa kai to fox fair me ton prwino mou upno!!! :(:(:(
-zap51-love him!!!
-gt maybe??? I demand(!) na dw ta "your stuff" !!!
ta xw dei..!!!
m aresei ekeino to anthrwpaki pou drapeteuei kai ginetai pali busted!!
alla ilpiza tha upirxan k alla!!!
egw to xw paratisei to spor kai skeftomai na to xanarxisw. Me pianei pada meta apo interesting ekthesi, alla meta ....varemara again...!
θα΄σκαγα αν δεν έβγαζα λίγο κόμπλεξ!
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