Dear Pull&Bear,
You know I'm one of your most loyal customers. A big part of my wardrobe consists of clothes, shoes and accessories I got from you. I love your designs and I really don't have any complaints about the quality. You get what you pay for, they say. And, until recently, I was equally content with your pricing too. But only a few days ago, I walk into one of your stores, and what do I see? A pair of cute red peep-toe flats. I was sold. And then I caught a glimpse of the price tag. 35,95 freakin' euros for a pair of fabric flats? Once again: They're made of fabric. Not leather. Not even pleather. And don't get me wrong, I don't want to come of as a cheap-ass bitch here, but as I mentioned before, I am and have been a loyal customer of yours for quite some years now, and I have come to a point where I know how you normally price your stuff. I can guess without even looking at the tag. So, in this case, where you actually trying to say more like 24,95? Think about it. Cause those flats are damn cute!
A worried customer
Hi Lopi, I totally agree with your new post. Beautiful red flats though... Well, you could check out H&M's flats, or even better - Oysho's wedges/espadrilles, quite similar to your Bershka ones, in different styles and colours, and good prices= always!
("a few days-old" blogger)
Hah! I'd be similarly outraged!
exeis apoluto dikio! me liga akomh kai 8a epernes kaluterhs poiothtas.
to pisteveis oti ta eida shmera, leo cute, kai otan eida thn timh efrixa?exo parei panemorfes mpalarinoules dexim mono 15 euro.yfasmatines even!
their cute shoes, but 40 euros?! nooot worth it imo. you would think prices would be going down with the way the economy is?
They are so beautiful... Really beautiful... but 36€ for fabric peep-toe flats from Pull&Bear? Come on...
hm..to proto pragma pou prose3a stn foto(meta to poso oreo xroma exoun) ine i timi....isos na ne akriva epidi ine i proti kalokerini periodos..pios 3eri..
agree ... last year I bought a similar pair from H&M for 9,90 and littlestylist bought them also in a different colour.
plus this particular design of p&b is a rip off from camper's adorable twins (which I wanted to buy, but I'm over my spending limit for this month)
Oh, my God! Μου φαίνεται πως έχουν ψιλοπάρει Θάρρος τα ισπανικά...Ξέρετε ότι το Ζάρα έχει επίσης ανεβάσει τις τιμές του?
hahaha!! if I knew you on my lower-proficiency days, letter of complaints would be a hell of a fun thing to do!!! :P you'r right though!!
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