Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Faltso shopping

No trip back home in Samos is complete without a visit - or several - to my favourite little shop, FALTSO boutique. This time, I tried on a perfectly laid-back maxi dress by A.L.E. but I chickened out of buying for two reasons: Firstly, I really can't think of any time or place where I could rock a maxi dress at this time in my life. Secondly, my profile view looked heavily pregnant.
I seriously *need* waist definition to look good.
Much unlike Eva, the boutique owner, who rocks any shape or style. I mean, I also tried on the BADILA dress she's wearing right here in this picture, and I looked even more pregnant than with the A.L.E. one! Contrary to Eva, who always looks perfect. I'm actually talking her into starting her own blog, as I believe all her outfits are worth documenting. The first step was made and is already running. Now, all we have to do is wait for the some outfit pictures... Can't wait!

Of course, I didn't leave the shop empty-handed. No way sir! But that will be a post on its own...


Mairyliscious said...

you both rock !!!!

Marietta said...

I prosopsi akrizei pantos. Einai panemorfo forema alla toulaxiston sou meine i iperoxi photo ki as min to pires!

K@terina B. said...

lopi's face back on track...!!! I am kinda jeaslous you're still there! as for eva, when I ll visit samos at some point, meeting it's gonna be like meeting a local celebrity! ;)

Christiana said...

polu omorfo forema!! the Hawaian way... krima pou den to pires!

Clemmie and Melroy said...

Well I think you should have got it because it suits you lots and no, you don't need any special occasion to wear a maxi dress :) If you wear it with flats and a pair of cool earrings and not 'overstress' it with heels and stuff it could be THE morning outfit.
Come on sweetie, get over the waist-exaggerated knee-high skirts, if this is a fashion blog we want you to experiment more! ;)

Elena said...

You look wonderful lady AND the owner is exactly what a boutique owner should look like! amazing! I really have to visit Samos!

Raquel said...

oh I understand you! I would love to wear a long dress, though I've never tried one, being 1,60m tall doesn't help too :|

daisychain said...

Ohh I can't wait to see what you bought