Yup. That's right.
As I've already complained all over twitter and facebook (and usually I'm NOT a whiny person) ALITALIA managed to stay true to its name as a lousy luggage handler and leave all three of our suitcases in our transfer airport. This means that, while I'm back in Athens from Amsterdam, my suitcase is currently vacationing in Rome.
Along with almost all of my new buys, of course...
Hope to get it back soon and in one piece, as I'm leaving once again for Samos island tomorrow... Alas, my camera was in my hand luggage, so regular posting of my adventures in the Netherlands will start soon... Feels good to be back!
I hope to get your suitcase back soon and all your stuff untouched!!!
Einai poly ekneuristiko otan hanis aposkeues, I know how you feel. I hope everything will be fine at the end of the day:)
pwpwpw kai anagkasthkes na pswniseis??
bebaia tha mou peis auto dn einai kai kati asxhmo alla otan taxideueis dn skopeueis na ta xalaseis ola se rouxa pali kala pu eisai me thn aderfh sou upothetw kati tha su daneise!!polu atuxia krima!!su euxomai na ta pareis ola pisw opws htan !
That sucks BIG time! Hope everything turns out well!
oh my God!!!!
Mairyliscious: Στον γυρισμο μας τις χάσανε, oπότε δεν ήταν τόσο μεγάλο το κακό. Aν γύρναγα μια βδομάδα μέσα στο Άμστερνταμ με τα ίδια ρούχα σαν την άστεγη, ε τότε θα είχα τσατιστεί πραγματικά!
Anyway, I just called the airport and they said our suitcases have arrived in Athens and should be delivered later today. Let's just wait and see how late is that...
ναι μην ανησυχείς. συμβαίνει στις μισές βαλίτσες της αλιτάλια. και μενα μου χει συμβει. έρχεται και με κούριερ στο σπίτι σου σε 2 μέρες. απλώς πλέον, ακριβά πράγματα, κοσμήματα πχ ή πολύ απαραίτητα, φορτιστές πχ μπαίνουν στην τσάντα που έχω μαζί μου στο αεροπλάνο
Yuck, I hate luggage trauma. Hope it all gets worked out, and fast!
Such a bummer! This has only happened to me once and thank God they delivered it the next day.
καλα να παθεις
anonymous: βασικά, δεν θα την έλεγα και τραυματική εμπειρία τελικά... μου την έφερε το μεσημέρι κούριερ στο σπίτι και δεν χρειάστηκε καν να την κουβαλήσω.
αλλά έτσι, άμα είσαι μες την μιζέρια, όλα τραγικά τα βλέπεις...
i was about to say, hope you get it back safe and sound but ...i see you already have!
awaiting posts with the contents;) welcome back.
Oh man how annoying!
I'm at a new blog now
did you get it back???
Oh noes! That's the worst feeling ever, having no control. *fingers crossed*
That must be really frustrating.. Hope you get ur luggage back
Agua bendita lingerie
Oh sweetheart...that has to be THE most annoying thing in the world! You should get it back, if you dont the company you floew with should offer you insurance!
Much love,
Lucie x
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