Thursday, 18 February 2010

Maloles, now with heels

Purple with black laces on YOOX.

Grey with black laces and purple clips on BLUEFLY.

Or black with electric blue laces on YOOX?

I say, grey with black laces and clips from Empoli Outlet, in my bedroom!

Moving up from Maloles flats to heels. It looks like my obsession is getting bigger.

Unfortunately, there was a technical problem with the clips... But nothing I couldn't fix myself! Coming up, a shoe repairing tutorial.


Pingu said...

popooo...teleia!!! poso ta pires, an epitrepete? :)

Lopi said...

Pingu, τα βρήκα 100 από 325 αρχική. Δεν γινόταν να τα αφήσω!

€lisavet said...


Μου θύμισαν λίγο αυτά

αλλά τα δικά σου είναι σαφώς πιο ευκολοφόρετα.

Hari K said...

pwpww teleia indeed!

Pingu said...

K egw to idio tha ekana!!!! K apo ola pou edikses ta gri me mayro einai ta poio oraia :D
Apo to online shop YOOX?

Lopi said...

Από το Simple Caractere στο Empoli Outlet στην Μεταμόρφωση τα πήρα. Τόσο φτηνά δεν θα τα έβρισκα πουθενά στο ίντερνετ (ειδικά άμα βάλεις και μεταφορικά) μόνο σε outlet.

Anonymous said...

Those purple ones are so pretty! I rushed over to the website, but unfortunately they don't have my size anymore. So sad! :(

Glad you got the gray ones though! :)


Anonymous said...

Those little clips are just too cute.

ShoppingTherapy said...

can't disagree with the previous comments... the shoes look perfect!

Thalia said...

needless to say that i am in love with them!!!!!

efi said...

cool shoes. an the price is even cooler!

Sugahspank! said...

ax apisteuta einai re! genika auth h paleta gri galazio sou paei apisteuta!

Audrey Allure said...

Gorgeous shoes!

I love your blog! :)
- Audrey Allure <3