Wednesday, 22 September 2010

NEXT TOP MODEL: This year it's a fight

Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I tweeted I was at work and there was a fitting taking place? And then the Yorkshire terrier of one of the models bit me? And then, the next day, I retweeted this tweet by my company's official account, including a twitpic of the models along with the bad-mannered canine?

Yeap, this little fuzzy devil above. Note the shoe, we'll need that referenced later.

Well, it was all about the new NEXT TOP MODEL trailer!

FILMIKI, the production company I work for, produced this season's trailer of the popular show for ANT1 and guess who didn't mind staying really late at work the day the fitting took place, ogling at the pretty clothes.

The concept of the trailer:
The first season of Greek NEXT TOP MODEL was just an introduction. This year is gonna be really tough and competitive.

Backstage mayhem, models getting ready for a catwalk show.

Suspicious, aggressive looks are exchanged. Suddenly we realise...

The bag isn't just a bag.

The rings aren't plain bling-bling.

The shoe gives a whole new meaning to the word fierce.

The lipstick is killer.

The girls will show no mercy this year.

And of course the Greek version of Tyra Banks, Vicki Kaya will show'em how it's done.

Oh, and that lethal black patent platform pump you saw above, the one sprouting a knife à la James Bond in From Russia With Love, 1963 (SPECTRE did invent some great stuff) an idea copied by Joker in The Dark Knight, 2008 45 fucking years later?

It's ZARA.
Modified with a popping-out blade by the art director especially for the trailer, originally bought from the collection available in stores as we speak (and on for those few lucky countries where ZARA is already selling online). Sans blade of course.

Watch the trailer below and tell me what you thought!

DIRECTOR: Vasilis Bourantas
ART DIRECTOR: Dimitris Katsikis
STYLIST: Dimitris Papathomas
ASSISTANT STYLISTS: Eva Georgiou and Vagy Roka
PRODUCER: Maria Stefanidi
SONG: "Marathon" by Tennis


Kristen Leo said...

wooow! tromerh empeiria! paw stoixhma oti ta mantela ths diafhmishs einai pio wrea apo tis kopeles pou 8a summetexoun sto diagwnusmo :P

Tory said...

Oh my god jealous... maybe I SHOULD convince Jon to move to Athens and join the family business. Tell Vas I'm very impressed... for what it's worth!

Rais Tsolaridou said...

Apisteuti diafimisi. Mallon empneustikan apo ta skinika pou eginan perisi sto Next Top Model :p
Se mia sinenteuksi i Kaya eipe pos ta modela fetos einai pio omorfa apo ta persina ..
Ante na doume ..

T said...


Thalia said...

seriously can't wait! cool trailer!

L. said...

εγώ πάλι τσατίζομαι που βάζουν τραγούδια από γαμάτες μπάντες σαν τους tennis για να διαφημίζουν trash εκπομπές...όπως παλιότερα κ σ'ένα trailer για τα καλλιστεία είχαν βάλει strokes...aaaarrrrghhh!!

(μη μου δίνετε σημασία - καθένας με τον πόνο του χαχαχα)

Lopi said...

το πιο σχετικό παράδειγμα δεν ανέφερες: περσινό ΝΤΜ trailer με sountrack το Intro των XX

that's the way it goes...

εξάλλου είναι και αυτός ένας τρόπος να ανακαλύψει περισσότερος κόμσος αυτές τις γαμάτες μπάντες, not to mention ότι σε τέτοιες παραγωγές που πρέπει να είναι όλα τυπικά και νόμιμα, πληρώνονται πάντα τα διαιώματα IP (intellectual properties) άρα αποζημιώνονται οι καλλιτέχνες :)

L. said...

σοβαρά;;; δεν πολυβλέπω tv κ δεν το είχα πάρει πρέφα για τους xx!!

απλά να μου κακοφαίνεται να γίνουν γνωστοί απλά ως "ααα αυτοί δεν είναι που λένε εκείνο το κομμάτι στη διαφήμιση τάδε;;"

τι να πω...μακάρι όταν τους ακούσει ο κόσμος να τους ψάξει παραπάνω κ να αγοράσει τον δίσκο τους όταν βγάλουν, αλλά δεν το βλέπω!

μπράβο πάντως σε όποιον έχει αναλάβει τη μουσική επιμέλεια στα trailers του ant1...έχει καλό γούστο τλκ! lol

Anonymous said...

Wow, impressive!! Liked the concept very much!! I couldn't peel myself off the tv every Monday night last year, and can't wait to see the new season!! Btw, envy you for having such a cool job!;)))

ShoppingTherapy said...

i hope that this season will be fierce, cause if not, it will not get renewed and we'll get stuck with the singing reality shows

Rebecca Jane said...

Looks like it will be fantastic! So cool that you got to work on the trailer!

Vixen said...

you lucky girl!!
the trailer is great, the song is great, I can't find anything bad. I just hope that it will be worth watching.
And the ZARA shoes...FABULOUS!

CyPinGirl said...

love this commercial! nice concept!

Jo said...

ti 8eiko post! mou exei pesei to sagoni sto pliktrologio...ante na 3ekinisei to ntm!

battered couture said...

I kinda envy you for your job. looks pretty interesting :)

Κατερίνα said...

Αυτό κ αν είναι αποκλειστικότητα....!!! :D Ελπίζω μόνο τα μοντέλα να είναι καλύτερα αυτή την φορά....!!!!

Florendia said...

To eida tora k stin tv! Poly kalogousto se antithesi me tin persini ekpompi. As elpizoume se kalytera fetos loipon...

Anonymous said...

youstrikemyfancy said...

:) funny post- did you meet Dimitris? he's such a cool guy

Velveteen said...

An den yparxoun fetos gloiodeis typoi pou tous trexoun ta salia me ta montela san ekeinon ton gerofotografo h an den yparxoun montela me eksarthromena sagonia, isos k na aksizei na to dei kaneis gia xavale. Alla den antexo thn viki kagia se rolo LEITOURGOU! eleos dld!
ps.@ Lilette, prin mia dekaetia, se ekpompi Tatianas Stefanidou tindersticks :)
ps.@ Lopi, oraio trailer!

Lopi said...


it goes like this:
Καγιά σε ρόλο Tyra, που είναι σε ρόλο Oprah, που είναι σε ρόλο κοινωνικού λειτουργού - messiah

δεν έχω κάτι φοβερό ενάντια στην Καγιά, αλλά δεν μπορώ με τίποτα να ξεχάσω την περσινή ατάκα-έπος "τα μοντέλα είναι ευλογημένα γιατί δεν χρειάζεται να σπουδάσουν"

joanaddicted said...

I'm so happy for you!! so, congrats for your job, very well done! of course the trailer kicks asses! And Dimitris is huge stylist. And p.s. once more, the way you describe things or cases is unique. Please consider copywriting along with architecture..!

chloe said...

haa, thats great! id love to help out on something like this, to be part of a team creating something is always a great feeling! good work xxx