Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Fashion Week Athens day 3

Oh Lord, I really suffer from a fashion overdose! Combine that with work all day and not enough sleep, and you have a recipe for bad blogging. Ok, before the news get really old, here are my pictures from the third and final day of Fashion Week Athens.

Angelos Bratis
Sorry, only one picture from Angelos Bratis' show. I arrived too late and only saw half of it.

Yiorgos Eleftheriades
I loved it! Eleftheriades totally show us how stripes combined with prints can be done. Extra bonus points for the choice of colour palette, amazing shoes and sleek menswear.

Orsalia Parthenis showed a collection bursting with feminine confidence. Loved the sleek lines, the turban-like hair ties (very Prada) and the rich colour palette. Note the models walked in extra chic ballerina flats, made of crushed velvet in grenat and royal blue.

Dimitris Dassios
An accessories and jewllery designer who could actually do clothes as well. Very oriental, magical and inspired collection of jackets made out of vintage leather, velvet and denim, embroidered with gold thread, as well as jewllery and headdresses. Models marched barefoot under the sound of "Le temps des gitans" by Goran Bregovic.

I also have pictures of the NEWCOMERS trio, but this post is getting a bit too long.
Forgive me if I post them tomorrow?


K@terina B. said...

orsalia parthenis is my favorite greek designer, + her clothes can be worn multiple ways (i have 2 pieces & i consider them timeless). T
his summer she was pregnant, i saw her @ the beach and she was wearing the nicest swimsuit: 2 piece, and on top an one piece to hold her belly---> lovely!

DaisyChain said...

Oh wow, these are all amazing my dear.

K@terina B. said...

It's very flattering to have the same taste with you, at least in shoes...buy the gladiators I think you wont regret it (+ the zara why not? they're cheap 2), I really like the black ones though more than the ones I got!!! as for your new camper,I cant wait 2 see them, I bet I ll love them! MEGIA!!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaa...These skirts...I want long skirts so much for this summer...Also, Orsalia is the BEST greek designer for me, I love her clean and smart lines always inspired from ancient greek dresses...Love her, love her, love her. One question only: Won't you show us what you wore? Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!;)

Lopi said...

Thanks for the comments girls!
I would love to show you what I wore all three days, but right now I only have pictures of my Friday outfit. I didn't manage to photograph my Saturday and Sunday outfits, but I was thinking of re-creating at home them to take proper pictures and show you. How's that sound?

Evie Stothert said...

i love the shoes at bratis!

Antoinette said...

I like a lot of those pieces, esp. the intricately draped ones from Parthenis.

Anonymous said...

K emena m aresei i Orsalia,meta tin Kokosalaki omws!Alla nomizw oti twra tin latrevw,balarines eipes??soooo cute!