Saturday, 7 March 2009

I'm so tired

...but at the same time, very happy.


Mirka said...

good luck with moving, its hard work! and love all your new shoes in the previous post xx

Anonymous said...

ola kala penelope? kali arxi!! polla filia!

lucia said...

Καλως ήρθες!

Περιμένουμε νέα, τηλέφωνα, καφέδες κλπ...

yasemin said...

hey glad that you're finished.^^

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Lucia!
Welcome darling! :P

DaisyChain said...

I'm happy for you, I Hope all is going perfectly x

yasemin said...

another tag from me.^^

Annisa NF said...

hi there just stopping by. nice blog anyway.
are you moving? sounds so fun! new surroundings, eh?

xo ;p

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I empathize.