Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Greedy girl

I know, I know... I'm inexcusable, right? I promised a shoe-shopping extravaganza photo shoot four days ago and failed to deliver...

Until today, that is! So here you go, freshly taken pictures of my new babies for your eyes only:

I am a greedy girl, right? To my defense, they were exactly what I've been looking for (I'm a sucker for chunky-heeled maryjanes and I was looking for oxfords since September), the price was more than right and I've already wore four of them! And that's something, considering I hardly left the house with all that madness these last two weeks.

As for the absence, well, I have an excuse. A good one, actually: I'm moving to Athens in two days and my whole life is currently going in cardboard boxes. By the time you'll be reading these lines, these shoes will be packed too. However, my trusty laptop will be the last thing to go, so I hope I'll be able to post once or twice more before I leave.

Now, if you'll excuse me once again, I'm off to more packing!

Oh, I forgot to mention, there's another pair of yummy shoes I got, but I'm saving it for next week, when I'll be in my new home.
Just a hint for now: Chie.


Anonymous said...

φοβερά όλα, αλλά το παράκανες βρε παιδί μου :D

Unknown said...

idiws ta mary jane einai teleia!!
ti marka einai??

Lopi said...

Chloe: I made my sister buy some amazing flat brogues, because I loved them so much. They looked awful on me, but great on her, because she has stick-thin calves, like you. Oh, and you missed one pair! They're five... oh, dear!

Anonymous: Το ξέρω!!!

Marisa: Η μάρκα είναι "La Strada", αλλά πρέπει να είναι ψιλοάγνωστη, γιατί μετά από ένα γρήγορο search που έκανα στο google, δεν βρήκα να έχουνε site για να το βάλω. Εγώ πάντως τα πήρα από ένα μαγαζί στην Ερμού του Βόλου και τα 5 ζευγάρια μαζί και γι'αυτόν τον λόγο μου έκαναν και επιπλέον έκπτωση πάνω στην υπάρχουσα 50%.

ShoppingTherapy said...

the 4th pair is totally my favourite (until I see your Chies I suspect...)

Marietta said...

Im extremely jealous right now, they only thing missing from my shoes is Mary-Janes and you managed to find 3 gorgeous of them!!!I was scrolling and scrolling down and I was keep seeing nice shoes!

Unknown said...

se zileuwwww!! :P

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic haul! And those Mary Janes just scream Lopi ...

GOOD LUCK with the move.

mademoiselle myrtilo. said...

the grey mary janes are fantastic!i intend to buy a pair of mary janes sometime!well, packaging and moving is always tough so good luck!!!

Α, μπα? said...

τα δίχρωμα mary jane τα φορούσε η Britney Spears με ιδιαίτερη μανία όταν ήταν στην άνω κάτω περίοδο της ζωής της (δεν ξέρω τι σημαίνει αυτό...:)

Elena said...

Shoe madness! Shoes are never enough! I've been looking for Oxfords as well but I haven't found anything yet! Yours are trully amazing... I'm jealous. Now that you move to Athens we should go shopping together!

yasemin said...

they are all adorable, in every main colour, you are so lucky.^^

Killah said...

me 'geia!
to agori sou sou leei pote tpt gia ta polla psonia h to xei parei apofash ? :P

Anonymous said...

excellent! i especially adored the grey ones!! μεγειά!

Lopi said...

Girls, the grey ones are my favourites too!

Killah: Φυσικά και μου λέει. Αλλά τί με νοιάζει? Τα δικά του λεφτά τρώω? Πάντως έχει πει φοβερή ατάκα για το δωμάτιό μου:
"Αυτό δεν είναι υπνοδωμάτιο. Είναι μια μεγάλη ντουλάπα που τυχαίνει να κοιμάσαι μέσα."

InnyVinny said...

OOH!! I love them all@

Mode Junkie said...

the chunky heeled mary janes are so cute! can i have one please? you wouldn't miss a pair i think! :)

Antoinette said...

Oh my, I don't know that I would have been able to choose from among them! Can't wait to see how you style them.

Anonymous said...

We have the exact same taste is shoes, right down to loving Chie Miharas.

italian fashion holiday. said...

oh, the first and second are my favourite!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Oooh those shoes are awesome. You're making me want to go shopping!
P.S. I super recommend Natural History museums--they're really fascinating.

DaisyChain said...

I love the second to last pair, where are they from?

Killah said...

way to go lopi!
k emena ayto einai panta to epixeirhma mou-kai eina dikaio edo pou ta leme!
kalo moving euxomai!

saray said...

I adore the first pair!

Evie Stothert said...

love all four pairs of shoes, but the last pair actually made me say "oh my effing god!" out loud.

love your blog by the way

Vivian Tumasonis said...

Ireally love your shoes!!!I need them!!!xoxo