Monday, 6 April 2009

First blister of the season

Ok, I did it again. I shopped. Last Thursday I found myself in the Ermou st. Camper Shop and I bought a pair of sandals. Cute, edgy, mouthwatering, grey-and-lime-yellow sandals with a wooden wedge. The weather was so nice and warm, I decided to put them on as soon as I returned to the office. Alas, it was my first day without socks or tights and my feet weren't used to the friction. Poor feet, so much pain, so many horrible blisters!

So, I think these pictures of me sporting a dress with trainers on Friday, don't need much expaining. My Pull&Bear blue sneackers were the only shoes I could wear without screaming in agony. Fashion and suffering, two words that get paired quite often.


Alecca Rox said...

beautiful shoes! shame for the blisters...

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok : First of all, beautiful bag/pants/combined shirts/everything on the first picture. The shoes are of nice color but to tell you the truth, seem a bit uncomfortable to me (huge sneaker fan). Sorry! :( Second picture, wow...girl you read my mind, I adore the combinations you do. Dress with sneakers? Yes please! And this scarf is divine...But seriously, I'd go to my wedding with sneakers if I could...Have a nice week!!!!

K@terina B. said...

...I was waiting for that post to establish that we do actually share the same taste in shoes..! the bf jeans rule!!!

Marietta said...

Teleia ta papoutsia Lopi mou! Worth the blisters :P And the outfit is just amazing!Have Compeed for blisters in your bag next time, they do wonders!

Anonymous said...

love the burst of yellow in the first pic!

elena said...

To the "Jo" comment- The outfit she is wearing clearly can not be worn with sneakers. Although i agree.. those sandals look quite uncomfortable. However you could check out the Marc Jacobs "Red Patent" sandals. They have the same flash and wedge you might like. My friend owns a pair and doesnt have blisters yet!!!

efi said...

λατρεύω το δεύτερο άουτφιτ. και δε νομίζω ότι τα αθλητικά δεν πάνε με το υπόλοιπο σύνολο. αφου τα αθλητικά πάνε με όλα! :D

Mode Junkie said...

i feel you. ;)
too bad though because they're really pretty.
but isn't it weird?
i only get blisters with flats but never with high heels.

Unknown said...

τα είχα ζαχαρώσει κι εγώ αυτά τα camperάκια... όταν όμως τα είδα από κοντά στη βιτρίνα για κάποιο ανεξήγητο λόγο δίστασα! μεγειά! όσο για τον πόνο...αμελητέος μπροστά στο τέλειο outfit σου! ;)

ShoppingTherapy said...

the shoes really stand out! (I hope you didn't get upset today because of the rain...)

Antoinette said...

Pretty much love that bottom ensem -- you rock the sneakers.

Anonymous said...

No, no, I didn't mean you should wear this with sneakers!!! Don't get me misunderstood, just told my honest opinion, my point of view, that I wouldn't wear them, not you! Sorry if you though I tried to jugde your shoes!

Lopi said...

Hey Jo, don't worry! I never thought you meant anything bad or tried to judge! Although I agree with Elena that this certain outfit would look a bit awkward with trainers - mostly due to the jeans length - I know you didn't mean I shouldn't wear those sandals. I loved hearing your honest opinion and I expect to continue doing so in the future, ok?

Anyway, I am asking everyone here, do those shoes LOOK uncomfortable? Try to guess just by looking at the design, without me saying they are or not, honest opinions please. Because, I thought the extra wide band of yellow in the front must be supportive enough. In any case, the wooden wedge is very comfortable, so I think all they need is a little breaking-in so the leather in the front takes my tootsies' shape.

DaisyChain said...

Ohh hurrah, your blog opens on this ancient beast of a laptop!
I got my first blister of the season the other day (though not from shoes as awesome as yours). My first thought was
"yay, summer's started"


saray said...

ADORE your sandals!

Anonymous said...

auta ta sandalia einai aplws uperoxaaa!eidika to kitrino xrwma ta kanei toso "fresh"!
on a side note,to boyfriend jean s paei para polu k tairiazei apsoga me ta papoutsia :)
k m aresei episis o sunduasmos forematos-sneakers alla vriskw ta xrwmata ligo skoteina,mallon gt i proigoumeni fwtografia itan toso anoixiatiki!

Nenyaki : ) said...

I absolutely love the first outfit.
It's so girlish, "springish" and trendy, but at the same time it looks so comfy and great on you!

I love love love it.
