Tuesday, 14 April 2009

H&M, once again

I was somewhat starting to feel deprived of nice swedish fashion those last few months. You know, the H&M kind. The December events here in Greece had left both the Stadiou and Ermou H&M stores destroyed. Having learned later on that they were both not destined to re-open, you understand why I was starting to get anxious. Had the big heads at the H&M headquarters in Sweden decided we are not worthy of a new store? Were we doomed?
But alas, strolling on Ermou one day back in March, I spotted the familiar two-letter-and-ampercent red logo. On a construction site, nevertheless, but there it was.
And stating April 9th as the opening date.

And what a happy day the 9th of April was! (Actually, I was there the day before, for the press party, but let's pretend it was the opening day, ok?) I started my mission by systematically scouring all three women's fashion floors to gather my prey. First impression: It carries the cosmetics line! Not so sure of the quality, but oh-so-cute packaging. Go for the make-up bags, I say. As for the actual clothes, t also looks like it stocks more of the sophisticated and better quality collections and less of the cheapo, multi-coloured stuff I was sick of seeing at the previous Stadiou flagship store. A good change.

Straight to the fitting rooms. Nice and roomy, as always.

My prey lies there, waiting for me to devour it.

A very nicely fitting blue dress, unfortunately made of 100% polyester, therefore not a wise choice for Greek summer weather.

A black tulip skirt in nice thick cotton, comes with its own fabric belt to tie up as a ribbon. And a cream high-waist full skirt with a balloon hem. Both in my closet as we speak.

Well, the skirts were not the only things I bought. I also got a pair of greenish brown linen high-rise pants, which - trust me - look much better than they sound, and two dresses. Two extremely cute dresses, with boned bodices and Grease-style full skirts. One in pale yellow and one in light brown with small pink polka dots. Polka dots! Did I mention they are cute? Photos to come soon...

SMALL UPDATE: Reader Staraki asked to know what I'm wearing in the first pics, so I thought I'll just reply here, in case anyone else is interested. I'm wearing the Mango skirt and cardi outfit I posted back here, but instead of the grey skirt, I'm wearing the same one in blue, as seen here. Hope I helped!


Killah said...

quickly! the photos!!!

Alecca Rox said...

great news. and these skirts and you, are a perfect match;)

ToKataifi said...

megia ta kenouria apoktimata :)

kego meta apo toso kero apousias h&m to perimena pio fadasmagoriko(aka pio pola rouxa pio orea perisoteres afkeries)....parolafta ipekipsa kego se agores..

K@terina B. said...

hihi, I went on Monday...!! everything ok, but size wise-it was tough to find something nice AND fitting!!! + I was begging the sales person to give me the shirt a doll was wearing (perfect & my size) but NOTHING!!! I like the first floor A LOT!!! (bought some stuff though, and the shirt in the doll, not in my size! ... I guess that's why I am an addict)

Lopi said...

Killah: Hehe, I'm heading back home for Greek Easter holidays and unfortunately The Dresses are not in my suitcase. Can we be patient until Tuesday?

Alecca: Thanks girl!

Nina: Βασικά, εμένα μου άρεσε πολύ, κυρίως γιατί επιτέλους έφεραν και τα καλλυντικά που μέχρι τώρα δεν υπήρχαν στην Ελλάδα. Σκοπεύω πάντως να κάνω και ένα ποστ για τις τακτικές promotion των H&M στο εξωτερικό και πόσο πίσω είμαστε εμείς...

K@terina: You went on a Monday and they couldn't help you find your size?? Jeez, what happens there on Saturday mornings, war? That's where I got extremely lucky. I got there the day before the official opening and it was like heaven, all sizes available, everything on its right place, not crowded and no queuing for the fitting rooms. Heaven I say! Too bad it can't be like that every day...

Staraki said...

lopi these photos show us great things about h&m clothing and actually make me see them in a different- better- way! i will check out soon the new store!!
i also love your outfit in the first pic as well!! skirt based outfits is my love lately but no luck on finding nice skirts often! can u tell us product details for the first pic as well??

Πρασινη νεραιδα said...

εμενα το στυλ μου μοιαζει περισσοτερο με αυτο του υπογειου στη σταδιου.
δυστυχως τοσο το καταστημα της ερμου οσο και αυτο της γλυφαδας (αναφερω αυτα γιατι με βολευουν περισσοτερο) δεν εχουν αυτο που ζητω

Anonymous said...

So glad you nabbed those skirts - they're very Lopi! Will we see the dresses, too?

Marietta said...

The tulip skirt is <3 lopi! It looks so great on you!

Sarah Von Bargen said...

Oh my! That black tulip skirt is fantastic!

yasemin said...

oh I wish there was just one H&M in my whole country:))I would buy so many things!
and I think your best choice is the black tulip skirt,so classy.^^

Mairyliscious said...

eimai katenthousiasmenh pu tha epanaleitourghsei to katasthma ths stadiou
dn menw athina alla to episkeptomoun suxna kathe pu erxomoun
otan eixa paei kai to xa dei kammeno eixa katastenoxwrithei
kai molis diabasa oti tha leitourghsei arxes mah kai mah erxomai athina !
lopi uperoxes fustitses :)

Emz said...

Oh I love H&M!! I can't wait for the European H&M shops!

Lopi said...

Once again, thanks so much for your kind words girls! You really brighten up my day!

Sal(and everyone else, for that case): Of course I'm going to show you the dresses! As soon as I return to my Athens closet, that is.

oou: Αλήθεια θα ξανανοίξει? Yes! Ειχα ακούσει ότι δεν θα ξαναάνοιγε γιατί είχαν κάποιες διαφωνίες ο ιδιοκτήτης με την εταιρεία. Αν μπορείς, στείλε μου και από πού το άκουσες. Το έχουν ανακοινώσει επίσημα?

πράσινη νεράιδα: Όπως βλέπεις, μάλλον εισακούστηκαν οι ευχές σου και θα ξανανοίξει το πολυαγαπημένο σου H&M Σταδίου. Αν και μην εγκαταλείπεις τις προσπάθειες, μπορεί και της Ερμού να φέρει τις πιο νεανικές συλλογές.

ToKataifi said...

ne etsi opso to 8etis exis dikio...apla dn itan to idio opos otan ani3e to proto stn stadiou..(anapolisi:P)
cool...ena tetio post 8a itan poli endiaferon...(oxi omos an vris kati poli kalo pou dn to exoume edo...grrr...)

ShoppingTherapy said...

when I look at your signature looks, I feel like you invented the high waist. It's SO you!

on another note, really glad they brought the cosmetics, feels like a real H&M store now

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I'm glad they're open again. I was wondering what would become of them. H&M is a necessity for life--or at least it feels like that!

Mode Junkie said...

love both skirts. and i think i won't survive if h&m here closes. that's just me.