Saturday 25 April 2009

The more, the merrier

I've neglected this for too long, but today seemed like a good chance to make up for it. Let me get to the point:

When I started blogging one year ago, there where only two other greek fashion blogs around, Shopping Therapy and Little Stylist. And back then I didn't even know about them! Soon after I discovered those two, more greek blogs started popping up in the blogosphere: Life Full of Fashion, Alecca Rox, Blog-tales, Chloe in the Sky and the first proper Greek streetstyle photography blog Streetgeist. And you may remember how inappropriately happy I was about them? Yeah...

Well, since then even more Greek girls decided to start fashion blogs and I couldn't be more happy. The more, the merrier is exactly the case here. But, being the procrastinator I am, I have neglected updating my GREEK FASHION BLOGS blogroll for too damn long.

So I would like to thank Marietta of Dreamville, Katerina B. of Queen B, Clemmie of Clemmie & Melroy, Hari K of The Soho Symposium, Mademoiselle Myrtillo, Jo of Exclusively Handmade* and Nina Mavalda of Las Niñas Y Los Niños for joining the Greek bloggers' clique and apologize for taking too long to add them. And those of you who haven't had the pleasure of visiting them, now is a good chance. Every girl is unique and different, and that's exactly what we love about them!

* Jo has now moved to

(picture of birds on a tree by me, hence the fingerprints on the lens)


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's just too nice...thank you so much!

Hari K said...

thank you lopi! only if we are all together we can make something and that's for sure!

ToKataifi said...

oooh...mersi despinis!!!!
poli omorfi kinisi

mademoiselle myrtilo. said...

ohhh merci lopi!i will check out the others as soon as possible!xxx

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Very cool that other Greek bloggers are popping up.

Livingathens said...

Very beautiful photo

Alecca Rox said...

sweet post, thx <3!

Alkistis said...

smouch! xxx