Thursday, 23 April 2009

Geek Chic

I'm proud to announce that I have been invited to speak about my blog on the 9th GGD. For those of you who are not familiar with their innovative ways, Girl Geek Dinners is an initiative by women who love technology and like teach other women about it. I will be speaking about my story, how I got into blogging, what I have gained so far, and giving advice for anyone who is interested in doing something similar. And, guess what, you are all invited! (Sal, I thought of you being overseas and all... If you don't have time to book a cat nanny and hop on a plane, a powerpoint file of my presentation will be uploaded online after the event).

The 9th GGD will be held this Tuesday April 28th at the Microsoft Innovation Center, 103, Vasilissis Sofias Av, at 18:00. And remember, we girl geeks love our social media, so other than visiting, you can also join GGD on facecook, RSVP for the 9th GGD facebook event and of course follow GGD on twitter.

Be there or be square.


K@terina B. said...

congratsssssssss!!! borei na perasw, na se akousw!!!

ToKataifi said...

ooh..sinxaritiria girl! =D

Anonymous said...

Awesome - congrats, beautiful! And I will DEFINITELY check out that powerpoint. Though, of course, I desperately wish I could be there in person.

s.i. michaels said...

Congrats! that sounds exciting.

Mode Junkie said...

oh my god. dissisit lopi. haha. spread the word about 'US'. haha. ;)
ps. love the skirt on the last post.

ShoppingTherapy said...

so interesting! will try to make it, but it's kind of difficult.
still, congrats & hope your presentation & the whole project has a great success!

Unknown said...

hey! συγχαρητήρια! ήμουν στο προηγούμενο στο Public! μπορεί να καταφέρω να έρθω και σε αυτό και τότε θα τα πούμε από κοντά! good luck! :)

Hari K said...

good luck kai apo mena!
einai teleio pou epitelous tha dothei vhma gia na akoustei i fwni twn bloggers!
well done!

Raquel said...

oh that's a great initiative!

DaisyChain said...

ohh congrats!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am there!!! Gongratulations!

Rosanna said...

wow that sounds like such a great group! congratulations

saray said...

Congrats! it sounds awesome

lucia said...

συγχαρητήρια κορίτσι!

δεν ξερω αν θα τα καταφέρω αλλά όπως και να χει θα είναι ωραία εμπειρία.

Anonymous said...
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