Monday, 15 June 2009

New summer tops

Four down, and I still want more!
Simple solid colour cotton tops for €5,95 each, H&M.

Most probably, my new all-time favourite summer top.
Light blue and white top, Pull & Bear.

Looks like a pyjama top, I hear you say? I don't care! Love it!
Teddy-bear print t-shirt, €12,95 Pull & Bear.

Already wore this one here. Totally the best option for keeping cool in warm summer days.
Checkered top that ties on the shoulder with strings, Pull & Bear.


Anonymous said...

wow!nomizw oti prepei na kanw mia bolta apo ta H&M.

Elena said...

I bought some of them too! Who could resist to the colours and price????

ToKataifi said...

maresi poli to proto kto trito...orees agores..(pali!)

K@terina B. said...

to putzamoeides einai toso glukouli...!!! :D alla nomizw to agapimeno mou einai to new old time favorite sou!! simple and gorgeous!!!

christalenergy said...

pira to idio lemoni apo Η&Μ to Savvato...einai teleio xrwmataki..opws kai kati mako forematakia pou 'xtypisa' se prasinaki...couldn't resist!lol

Anonymous said...

Love those colors. Make me think of cool fruity sorbets!

Unknown said...
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ShoppingTherapy said...

great buys! damned I've promised myself no more tees&tops but when they are So cute and Affordable... makes me wanna break my promise

mademoiselle myrtilo. said...

νομίζω το αγαπημένο μου είναι το τελευταίο...αν και αυτά από το h&m φαίνονται πολύ καλή ευκαιρία!

Syed said...

:O The teddy bear print one is soo amazing! Haha, totally love it :)

Κατερίνα said...

εμ...!!πήγα σήμερα στα Pull&Bear για να βρώ κάποια από τα μπλουζάκια αλλά δεν υπήρχαν πουθενά...κλαψ...είναι πολύ ωραία...κλαψ...:))