So, here's an example of what I've been up to:

A motorboat ride with the family - including the dog - around the island, while getting slightly jealous of other people's sailboats. Feeling the wind on your sails is much more stylish than a red inflatable boat with a a smelly, noisy motor.

Not that Ludi the dog minds it!
Life on the island is fine, but I'm starting to feel homesick of my own cozy apartment... What can I say, I like my own space.
And sleeping in my old childhood room is starting to get 0n my nerves!
apolause to giati otan tha epistrepseis tha su leipsei :)
Did you scan in a postcard or did you really take that photo? ;)
Mairyliscious: Αχ, ναι, αλλά άμα σκέφτεσαι πόσα έχεις να κάνεις δεν μπορείς να ευχαριστηθείς διακοπές.
Antoinette: Haha, no I really did take that one and it's fresh too: Shot this past Saturday. And the coast behind it is Turkey!
That seems like a lot of fun. Even without a "stylish" boat sailing around islands seems idyllic. Still one does get ready for the "comforts" of home eventually. :)
lopaki eisai me ta kala sou??? diakopisou oso boreis, egw exw sxedon pathei katathlipsi pou oloi einai diakopes... grrr!!! xereis posous mines tha eisai sto appartment sou??
oooh...8a simfoniso me ta koritsia...
apolafse to kalokeri mexri to telos..
(dn 3eris poso prasinizoume emis pou exoume mini piso...)
Gorgeous! I just did a post about Naxos...coulda used these photos, lol :)
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