Saturday, 21 November 2009

Fashion and architecture. Huh?

[pic BKRW]

You want fashion and architecture? I'll give you some.
Hell, I'll even throw in a pop star and a dose of avant-garde art, while we're at it.

So, here's Lady Gaga debuting her new ballad at the MOCA's 30th anniversary party, wearing a hat designed by Frank Gehry and a dress by Prada, while playing on a Steinway grand piano painted pink with blue butterflies by Damien Hirst.

MOCA stands for the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art. Read the whole story and see more pictures here:


Alecca Rox said...

An architect designing a hat is safe. A fashion designer designing a building would be damn interesting!

*pink steinway's beautiful. I'm glad Hirst put batterflies on it and not something...dead and sliced!

**Lady Gaga is...Lady Gaga;)

mahler76 said...

why the fuck Lady Ga-Ga is soooo everywhere?

fashionist__ahead said...

toso teleia...
apla ein uperoxiiii...
btw wraio post...

Kristen Leo said...

aah pote erxetai sth ellada!!!

Anonymous said...

a standing ovation for lady gaga's creativity!! eish! this woman has no slow bone in her body mate!!

ebshoppinista said...

The best designers who use combination of fashion and architecture would be Alexander McQueen, Rei Kawakubo and Hussein Chalayan. I was recently doing research about relathionship between fashion and architecture and found great images...

Architect Bali said...

You got a WOW factor there. So sexy architecture