This is how it all works now.
So, dear too-posh-to-care fashion designers, take notice: It's called social media. If you don't embrace it, it's gonna eat you alive. Still not convinced? See this and that. Oh, and let's not forget WWD. By the way, hello Anna, love you! Happy 60th birthday.
I die.
Really? I mean, REALLY?
Hello there!
I saw u yesterday at the Marousi Train Station but the train came 2 soon and I idn't have the time to talk to you!
I have to tell you....you look great!
at kakistro...'I saw u yesterday at the Marousi Train Station'
best comment ever! i am still laughing.
ok happy to see new faces on the front row rather always establishment but hey sometimes coverage of these bloggers is very narcissistic (i was there and i was sitting next to anna). for that reasons i jus believe it is a trend of the moment and not all of them will survive in the years to come.
@_nina_malvada_ hahahahaha
@Jo Oh, yes.
Thanks hun! *blushing* Next time don't hesitate, ok?
@leinti nti
Γιατί καλέ γελάς? Αστείο είναι να παίρνει ο κόσμος το τρένο? Εξάλλου, και στα δοκιμαστήρια του H&M στην Ερμού με έχουν σταματήσει να μου πουν ότι "μ'εχουν δει, κάπου, κάπου με ξέρουν". ***Γειά σου Ζωή, ελπίζω να διαβάζεις ακόμα το blog!!!***
As for the bloggers' coverage of fashion weeks, you can call it either "narcissistic" or "personal point of view". If you want a non-personal coverage, you go to style.com. If you want to read a certain person's point of view, you read blogs.
Simple as that!!!
mou arese giati itan afthormito kai sta agglika akougetai asteio to ''marousi train station''...den einai kako na pairneis treno min to pernis kai esi toso varia......:)to idio isxiei kai gia ta blogs. o bryanboy aplos afto pou ekane itane na mas pei oti kathotane proti seira. an pragmatika agapouse ti moda tha mas elege kai kati apo to soou, mias kai exei ti dinatotita na to postarei sto net kai na to kanei available too soon. afto thelo na po. kai ta panta einai personal. akoma kai to style.com. i gnomi tis sarah mower den einai panta to pan.
tough one.. i agree with ALL the above (except the train station, i wasn't there:))
none is completely independent, in the sense that magazines are supported by adverts and bloggers are subjective, writing with peronal taste.
what i don't get, is why designers should tweet and why they are snobbish if they don't...i mean tweeting is a good way of promoting your work, but why are they too posh to tweet if they do not do so?
@Alecca Rox
Well, I have to admit "too posh to tweet?" was somewhat of an exaggeration/word play for the post title. I'm not accusing all designers/fashion celebrities as snobs just because they don't tweet! I'm just very excited that there ARE designers out there (and some very influential and successful ones like Stefano Gabbana, Karl Lagerfeld or Hussein Chalayan to name a few) who tweet and, in that way, they offer us an insight into their world. And not only that, but some of them, like Mr Gabbana, also dialogue with bloggers and/or fans. It's heart-warming to see that they acknowledge their presence and that they manage to find some time in their tight schedules to offer a response or crack a joke with them.
I knew it would be something like that! That's why I posed my question, to make it clear.
I am sure that if one is not too posh to drop by the designer's space and get to know them, the designer will not be too posh to say hello to him/her on any social network.
When it comes to local fashion though, the real question is, are we too posh to support it? Do we just praise it and then walk into the next multinational chain store and buy 10 tops for the price of a Greek one, or worse, a foreign brand for the same amount of money?
@Alecca Rox
That's a huuuuuge subject! One that needs its own post, if not its own blog! Very intriguing question though. One of the answers could be the typical Greek attitude "if it's foreign, it MUST be better". But it's probably a lot more complicated than that...
haha omg i just love this
BB is sucha hottie! i couldn't agree more though doesnt it make you love D&G more!
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