Friday, 29 January 2010

Battling cold weather in a skirt

Much like dresses, I consider skirts one of the most comfortable pieces of clothing a girl can wear. And if done right, one of the warmest too.DSC02334s
For this outfit I chose one of my personal winter staples: My black, wool-blend, high-waist, knee-length, bubble-hem skirt I made out of a 6 euro Bershka dress almost two years ago. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but elastic waists rule! That skirt is so versatile and comfortable, it's a miracle I don't wear it 7 days a week.

This time I added a grey V-neck cotton sweater (cotton means no itchiness) and my extra-long green wool cardigan (yes, the same one I have in purple-red as well).

And two scarves.

You've probably seen me doing the double scarf thing before in this blog, but in this case it's more out of necessity than looks. I needed one scarf to cover up my shoulders and chest and one other to create some sort of a solid barrier around my neck. Something I can stick half of my head into when the cold wind gets too sharp for my liking, if you know what I mean. If you don't, just scroll back to the first picture of this post.

Another tip coming up here... As I mentioned, my cardi is really long. Which is a good thing, as the longer it is, the more fabric to keep me warm. However, that also means it keeps peeping out from underneath my coat's hem. Not good, but easy to correct. I simply button it up and make it sit on my hips. No peeking allowed!

And speaking of a coat, it was the turn of my favourite green Attrattivo coat to make an appearance.
green attrattivo coat
Warm as toast!

Black bubble skirt, made from a BERSHKA dress. Grey V-neck sweater, BERSHKA. Green cardigan, MANGO. Black jersey scarf, ZARA. Black and grey print scarf, ZARA MAN. Greyish brown leather boots, ZARA. Green coat, ATTRATTIVO.


efi said...

φοβερό, αλλά ήμουν ακριβώς το ίδιο ντυμένη σήμερα, μόνο που η δική μου ζακέτα ήταν μοβ :)

τέλειο παλτό!

Εvi said...

Wow, this "double scarf thing"! So simple yet so inventive ;)

Afroditi said...

even if i don't like your style most of the time, i do like the way you bring it out and write about it

daisychain said...

great post Lopi!

Anonymous said...

aren't your legs cold in a mere pair of tights?

Lopi said...

Glad you brought this up, I am actually wearing two pairs of tights here (been doing that for the past few weeks) but I forgot to mention... I will address the "double tights" thing in a separate post!

irina said...

thumbs up for the double scarf; it could easily put a lot of bulk in your neck,but somehow, you managed to look great! I strongly suggest ski leggings (not the ones with the athletic appearance) for going out in freezing temperatures on sweater dresses.

battered couture said...

looks very comfy and warm indeed. But let the cardi peep out all it wants. I love it when that happens.. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love your posts!I love your posts!post more often please please please!
and what kind of camera do you have? all pictures look like part of clothing advertisement! very nice!

Raquel said...

great inspiring post lopi! I adore your green coat.
and yeah I think I am addicted to grey too!

lucia said...

i think i will never get ovet that "What is normal anyway" post of yours... i consider it your best until now! you remind me of a potrait of flemish painting style.

Gio Goi Tops said...

Gorgeous outfit! i love your coat!

Lopi said...

It might be my own favourite post too. I guess half of the credit should go to my dear friend Virginia who shot the pics in the "What's normal anyway" post.

Thank you! Actually, I have a plain old Sony Cybershot. Nothing fancy. I'm planning on getting a proper DSLR sometime in the future, but you know what they say: no money, no honey! My big secret for these pictures is to wait for the perfect natural light. I try to never shoot too early in the morning or late at evening, even worse, at night. Flash ruins everything, so I never use it. If you only use natural diffused light, you really can;t go wrong. Afterward, I only use Photoshop to crop and resize my pics, and some times just to add some contrast. But if the light is right to begin with, there's no need even for that!

Sugahspank! said...

pale blue is your colour and I think u know it :)