Back when H&M was still Hennes & Mauritz.
I still remember everything I got in that first fast fashion shopping spree of mine. I was like a kid in a candy shop. Still wear several of them. I love my clothes. Who said fast fashion has to be disposable?
Oh and yes, I am that old.
ποσο τελειο θα ηταν να ποσταρεις ρουχα απο τοτε- δν ηξερα καν οτι το h&m δεν λεγοταν παντα h&m!
I will join you in claiming that title too, it's like a blast from the past... i still remember the old fascia signs too! ;)
Makes me feel so ignorant! I never bothered to find out what H and M stood for ))
By the way, I have included you on the list of Versatile Blogger Award and you can complete participation here: http://lifestylegeek.blogspot.com/2011/03/versatile-blogger-award.html. Hope you don't see it as spam - I only awarded 7 bloggers after all ;)
I remember going to my first Hennes and Mauritz back in the day..I was visiting family in Holland and the UK didn't have any stores yet!
Η πρώτη μου φορά στο Λονδίνο, το 1999, μόλις 13. Αγόρασα (μεγάλα) panties με τον σνούπυ, ένα γαλάζιο μακό φανελάκι που μέχρι σήμερα φοράω για τον ύπνο, ένα κοτλέ πανωφόρι με ριγέ φόδρα και άλλη μια σακούλα ρούχα. Μοιράζομαι την ανάμνηση "I was like a kid in a candy shop".
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