Thursday, 21 November 2013

Cheaper, faster and increasingly short-lived

"Both fashion designers and architects create inhabitable structures that protect people. [...] The way buildings are built and clothes are made is also becoming increasingly similar: What I'm seeing now in this moment in architecture -- because of the economical crisis -- is cheaper buildings that will stay for only a short period. And that has a parallel with fashion design."

Wouter Valkenier, Architect

This quote (and photo) are from an old article on CNN about the "Fashion and Architecture"exhibition that took place in Amsterdam back in 2010 (if you want to learn more, I wrote about the exhibition here or check out this interview on Dazed Digital). I revisited this quote recently and I realised it actually makes more sense as time goes by:
Cheaper, faster and ephemeral buildings - cheaper, faster and ephemeral fashion. Mindblowing.

1 comment:

Filipa said...

Hi there,

I just came across your website and it seems we have some things in common. Very interesting!
I'll be following you from now on :)

You can check my blog too: