Monday, 15 December 2008

Friends, a warm coat and strong coffee

What a better way to kick start the week than having some coffee while sitting by the sea and chatting with good friends?
The weather is definitely chillier now, so out came my brown princess coat from ZARA. And those boots... I got them for 20 euros several years ago and I rarely wear them. Finally, I found an outfit I can wear them with, but I still haven't decided if they're totally silly. They tie back with pon-pons, for goodness' sake!
What do you think? Cute, silly or plain ugly? The boots, I mean.

My fellow coffee-drinkers and very talented photographers, voted "cute". But they don't count, as they're friends.

Tell me what you think, please?


saray said...

I think the boots are very cute! and i really like your style..
the outfit looks great

Elena said...

They are very cute! Not silly at all! They look so cosy and warm! And I like your coat, too!

lucia said...

i agree with Elena. Definately cute!But i also liked the yellow ones that one of your friends is wearing. And i miss Volos (probably i ve never mentioned that my father is from Volos and that i spent there all Easters and summers of my childhood).

Raquel said...

I think they are very cute! you should definitly wear them more often :)

Raquel said...

it isn´t the zara store, it's lefties, wich is like an outlet store for the inditex brands (zara, bershka, stradivarius, pull and bear, etc) and it has low prices, and with sales I found some bargains :D

Lopi said...

Oh, I didn't know such a thing existed! It's too bad we don't have it here too... Enjoy it, you're very lucky!

Lili3 said...

I vote CUTE =D

Nur said...

Babe they are so unique.Looks comfy too.Love the pom-poms;)
Ooh and greece looks so cold but beautiful.It must be so fun living there...

Antoinette said...

Cute pom-pom boots, and I love your blue dress.

Amy said...

Well another vote goes to cute. Here in Bucharest some similar boots were in fashion last winter, but your's are really much nicer.

Anonymous said...

Επειδή μου είσαι συμπαθής και μου αρέσει πολύ-πολύ το στυλ σου, νιώθω την ανάγκη να σε προστατεύσω. Αυτές οι μπότες είναι ψιλοχάλια! Συγγνώμη.

Anonymous said...

KEEP those boots. They're perfect with that outfit, and I'm sure you'll get more use out of them now that they've been "rediscovered" in your closet!

DaisyChain said...

I love the boots,
I couldn't pull them off at all, but they look amazing on you.

I also adore your blue dress.

Lopi said...

Αριστέα, δεν υπάρχει κανένας λόγος να ζητάς συγνώμη! Χαίρομαι να διαβάζω όλες τις γνώμες, εξάλλου γι'αυτό ρώτησα εσάς τους αναγνώστες μου, και χαίρομαι ακόμα περισσότερο που αυτή η ερώτηση ήταν η αιτία να αφήσεις και εσύ το σχόλιό σου στο blog μου!
Ελπίζω να σε ξαναδώ εδώ γύρω!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Great outfit. I like the shoes, they're kinda crazy in a very awesome way.

Anonymous said...

those pom pom boots are so cute! =) have never seen such boots before... you look great in that outfit! loving that scarf.

Di said...

your boots is adorable, hmm... a bit Zara trf-ish. Blogwalking, cheers for achitect from architect! ;)