Thursday, 4 December 2008

iDEAL shopping

Filep Motwary and his partner in crime Maria Mastori are holding a pre-christmas bazaar on the 5, 6 and 7th December at their studio in Kolonaki, as announced on his blog uN NOUvEAU iDEAL by fILEP mOTWARY. For those of you who never heard of him before, Motwary is a greek-cypriot blogger, fashion designer and protégé of needs-no-introductions Diane Pernet. I had the pleasure of attending the Mastori/Motwary show this past October during Athens Fashion Week. Yes, the one where the soundrack was a cover of Portishead's "Glory Box" by Diane herself. I cannot tell you how much I would love to be there and rummage through his designs for fabulous bargains. But I will be in Thessaloniki this weekend (more on that tomorrow) therefore I will be unable to attend. However, I urge all of you dear readers with interest in fashion and living in Athens, to stop by and check it out. And maybe leave me a comment afterwards to tell me how great it was?

More info on the bazaar on this post.

If you want to know more about Filep Motwary, read this great interview on Fashion Blah Blah and of course check his blog.

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