Saturday, 17 January 2009

I feel YOUNG

It feels very refreshing to see that the greek media are finally acknowledging our existence. The February issue of YOUNG magazine is running an article on greek fashion bloggers, featuring Shopping Therapy, Life Full of Fashion, Blog-tales, Streetgeist and yours truly. Vasia Tzanakari, the journalist behind this article, did a great job presenting each of our blogs, while offering her readers a very detailed introduction to the world of fashion blogging. A good read, indeed.

And as I learned earlier today, mum and dad liked it too.
My 94-year-old grandma didn't offer any comments, though.


Marietta said...

Συγχαρητηρια!Είστε επισήμως διάσημες! :)

Elena said...

congrats to us all!

saray said...

wow that awesome!
Congrats :)

Mirka said...

you have really nice blog and cool personal style, ill def be coming back!

yasemin said...

congratulations!this is something very nice to remember and it should really motivate you:)

p.s.I have added you to my blogroll and wonder if you could do the same.

Rebecca Jane said...

congratulations - you totally deserve some recognition - awesome!

Lili3 said...

Congrats!!!! OMG you have to expect spam comments now cuz ur so famous!! :S

L.I.N said...

ah! congrats on the feature :D

STEFANIE said...

wow this greek is totally different than the classic greek I learned at school haha ^-^

Alecca Rox said...

Read the piece, so glad a Greek magazine credits fash blogging. Well done!

Raquel said...

ohh! congratulations!

Anonymous said...

woooow congratualtions! you deserv it!