Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Seriously contemplating...

... the Saigon boots by Chie Mihara.
I tried them on in a local store. They are cute, edgy, flattering, easy to wear, unbelievably comfortable, SIMPLY AMAZING. And 40% off.

But still really, really expensive.

However, that local shop's price actually beats Revolve Clothing's price of $351 or 266 euros for their last pair of Saigon boots in brown. Which means I won't be finding a better price on the internet. And you can trust me on that, I google "chie mihara" more often than I brush my teeth.

I could try searching the shops in Athens next week when I'll be there, but is just the mere hope of an extra 10% off worth the risk of coming back to Volos and finding them gone?

I believe this one falls into the famous "investment theory". You know, the one saying we should buy few stuff, but of good quality, that will be loved and cherished and worn forever. I think this is one of those times...

...still contemplating.


Alecca Rox said...

they are gorgeous and look ever so comfy. if they really are a bliss to wear* and look this good, BUY THEM i say:)

*if they are not 100% comfortable though, forget about them. better print a picture and put it on ur wall, for the sake of ur precious feet (& shopping budget)!

p.s. so how much are they?

Lopi said...

Alecca, they are so comfortable that when I left the store I was thinking I could wear them every morning for the rest of my life!
They are down to 258, original price 430. I would never buy them at their original price, as perfect as they may be, 430 is an absurd amount of money for a pair of boots, at least for a student like me. But they are perfect and 258 for such quality, comfort and beauty is almost justifiable.

Antoinette said...

You know what I'm going to say, don't you? ;) I have one pair of Chie Miharas and I still love them unconditionally, two years later. They are the shoes I get the most compliments on, they are the most comfortable heels I own, they are crafted beautifully, and they are a joy to wear. They cost a bunch but I have never, ever regretted the purchase.

I vote yes, and I hope to see these gorgeous boots in pictures often should you choose to go for it.

Rebecca Jane said...

these are absolutely beautiful and stunning. I think perhaps worth the investment? Although I have a hard time saying no to shoe greatness.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Ha-ha, this is the hard part of buying process! Good luck on your decision.

Anonymous said...

i say you buy them! I didn't see this pair neither to Golden Hall, nor to the shop i was telling you in N. Smyrni. On the other hand, I suggest you should give it a try and contact if they could get them for you...they're a real fab! :)

Mode Junkie said...

go buy! they're worth it. :) then i'll drool over when you have them.

Alecca Rox said...

258 is not bad at all. i mean we go and buy all those cheapy-cheapos that torture our feet just to be able to buy more than one pair. what's the point?

ShoppingTherapy said...

if you don't buy them, I'm coming to volos and buy them for myself! seriously, they look great

Diane said...

those boots are amazing!

Anonymous said...

I wonder which love is greater: Yours for Chie Mihara, or mine for John Fluevog.

I am never one to nay-say a shoe purchase, and these do, indeed, look like they'll get worn to pieces. They're stylish, but not too quirky, well-made, and perfect for you. If you've got the money and other aspects of your life won't suffer from you spending it, GO FOR IT!

DaisyChain said...

I say buy them! Amazing.

Anonymous said...

είναι υπερβολικά ωραίες για να μην τις αγοράσεις. και η τιμή με την έκπτωση δεν είναι κακή (περίπου τόσο κάνει και ένα ζευγάρι κάμπερ...)

Killah said...

get 'em now! they're awesome!

mugen said...

I don't like them and i think they don't fit your style...

Raquel said...

if I had the money I would buy them! I've done that before.. going to see another shop and it was pricier and then the other was gone, but the opposite too. and then it's a lot of money, but well spent! it's a good investment.

xara said...
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xara said...

you should buy them... they are very pretty! and i find the price reasonable for a pair of shoes you are going to have many many years (a re gallerie di scarpe με τις επιλογές σου και τις εκπτώσεις σου!!)
Ps sorry gia to prohgoumeno post la8os

Alecca Rox said...

hey, have u seen this yet??:)

Lili3 said...

They looks sooo hot! I should get more boots >.>

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