Wednesday, 7 January 2009

I love it, I love it, I love it!

This is my new coat. There's not much else to say.

Forest green coat by Attrattivo Alternative Tailoring range, holidays present from dad.

Attrattivo is a greek company. 'Cause I'm Greek like that.


Antoinette said...

Lovely. Go, Dad! What interesting seaming on the front of the coat. Are you feeling better?

Elena said...

I am sure that after you bought that coat, you immediately started feeling better!
It's lovely!

Mode Junkie said...

love the forest green color! :)
doesn't new coats make us all feel better? or new stuff in general.

Anonymous said...

megeia! thanx 2 u lopi my dad got me my new chie miharas! :)

Míriam Juan-Torres said...

Nice coat, and looks warm also!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, it looks luscious! Can't wait to see it in action.

Alecca Rox said...

great front seams. forest green is my favourite colour for winter too. Well if this doesn't make u feel better, what will?!!

DaisyChain said...

OMG, how utterly amazing! Lucky girl.

Syed said...

:O Beautiful coat, the colour and texture are lovely!

Killah said...

me geia!

Raquel said...

love it! the fabrics seems great!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love it too. The fabric and the seaming are so great.

Anonymous said...

I also love it :)
I like your blog.

karl's sweet child said...

love that coat too!! i sent you email btw, have you receive it?

Dorothy said...

Μεγειά! Αυτό το χρώμα το λατρεύω! Μπράβο και στον μπαμπά σου που, όπως φαίνεται, ξέρει να κάνει όμορφα και χρήσιμα δώρα :)

lucia said...

Οι μπαμπάδες μας έχουν σκλαβώσει τελευταία!Είδα το ποστ χτες το πρωί και μετά βγήκα για δουλειές. Πέτυχα τυχαία στο δρόμο μια κοπέλα που φορούσε αυτό το παλτό και σε σκέφτηκα. για την ακρίβεια σκέφτηκα ότι θα σου πηγαίνει καλύτερα και ότι θα το συνδυάσεις καλύτερα απ ότι εκείνη (μελαχροινή, μαύρο κολάν και μπότες cow boy)
ΜΕ γειά, είναι πολύ όμορφο. Περιμένουμε φωτογραφίες.

daddylikeyblog said...

Ooooohhh I love it too! Does that make me Greek?

ShoppingTherapy said...

funny thing, the coat I bought this winter is attrativo, as well. omly it is plaid (like every other coat I own...)
plus your dad sounds really fashion consious! lol

Unknown said...

awww such a lovely coat!!! are you feeling better yet? i'm still a bit sick :( blech!

saray said...

love it too!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Looks pretty.

yasemin said...

The color is so nice, but looks hard for matching? we say in turkish, use it in good days:)

Natassya Monica said...

love the coat. :D

Anonymous said...

oh this is so chic! I love Greek favorite dress I own is from a little boutique on Santorini..

Anonymous said...

I am in love with this coat, it is so elegant and pretty.If I want to buy it where can i do it?

Lopi said...

Kenny, Attrattivo is a Greek brand that doesn't have an on-line store, so the only way to buy it would be for you to come all the way from Hungary to Greece. And even if you could, I believe it's sold out now.

Anonymous said...

I will go to Greece but not now.But I will visit it. Thanks lopi!