So, yes, I am now a working girl. I'll bear the boring details and move straight to the important aspects of my new working life: There is no dress code. Meaning I don't have to wear collared shirts and medium-heel pumps and look like an extra from Boston Legal. That doesn't mean I can wear sweatpants either. Not that I want to! Hell, I don't even like to wear jeans any more. So, my first week at work, I wore exactly what I would if I haven't been working: Dresses and skirts. Now, I believe I have mentioned before that I am not a morning person. And because of that I was terribly late most days, which meant no time for outfit pictures. However, I managed to quickly snap my Wednesday outfit in the conference room. Here it is:

Blue-grey tulip skirt, MANGO. White t-shirt, BERSHKA. Black cardigan, MANGO. Grey ballet flats, PULL&BEAR. Necklaces, PULL&BEAR.
Thursday, once again no pic, but on Friday, I finally found some extra 5 minutes before I left to set the camera on the bedroom window and snap these:

Camel-coloured knit dress, ZARA. Burgundy cardigan, MANGO. Light grey pashmina, some bazaar in Turkey. Polca dot tights, CALZEDONIA. Brown studded belt, MANGO. Grey ballet flats, PULL&BEAR.
So, there you go. My first two work outfits. My goal this week is to have time for a good breakfast and nice outfit pictures every morning, and still be on time for work.
You hear that boss?
I love both outfits, you look great (as always ;) ).
I'm in love with polka dot tights, but I haven't found anything worth buying in Stockholm (well, only a couple of pairs, but they looked rather childish to me :/ ).
When did you get these calzedonia tights? I want to ask my mom to check if there is any such pair left and send them to me...
Good luck with your new job/place/life! :)
Well, καλή αρχή! Great outfits. Chic and put together! Having a new job is so exciting!
I'm sure you're going to get used to waking up early very soon!
Hate mornings!
And you still owe us a pic of your closet! :)
j adore to foulari sto second outfit!! you owe us info about the job as well though!!!
ομολογουμένως αυτή η γκρι φούστα ράφτηκε αποκλειστικά για σένα, αλλιώς δεν εξηγείται γιατί σου πάει τόσο πολύ. Επίσης στην πρώτη φώτο στο conference room φαίνεσαι πιο αγουροξυπνημένη απ΄ότι στην δεύτερη που είσαι σπίτι σου :)
-σου τηλεφώνησα το σάββατο για να σου πω για prive party στο λυσσιατρείο αλλά δεν σε βρήκα
Marietta: My closet is still a disgrace! I think I'm gonna spend all of my Wednesday digging through clothes instead of going on a national holiday excursion.
K@terina B.: Soon dear, soon. The site I'm blogging for is going through a major make-over at the moment, so I'm going to introduce you to it as soon as it's all new and sparkly!
great job / no dress code. if the salary is fair, what more to ask? just a strong cup of coffee each morning
ki egw me to zori ksypnaw to prwi! elpizw omws i nea sou douleia na se kanei na thes na sikwnesai apo to krevvati me oreksi!!
(same thing about jeans-i'm living in leggings these days!)
Selective answering to the comments? :/
Sorry for bothering with my question then... :(
I'm so sorry! I must have not looked carefully enough and missed it. It certainly wasn't intended.
The tights were bought from the Calzedonia store in Volos, but I suppose you could find them in all Calzedonia stores. If I remember correctly, they were also available in sheer black with black dots and in camel with cream dots. Lucia of blogtales actually has this combination:
Unfortunately, they were from the winter collection, so I'm not sure if you can find them now. If I happen to spot a pair or something similar on one of my shopping trips, I'll leave you a comment.
Sorry once again, I hope you forgive me and my absent brain.
Beautiful outfits, as always.Your cardigans look nice with just about every outfit. Nice color combos,too!
Excellent combinations dear Lopi... You are so inspirational and it's so great you 're not afraid of making mixes and matches..!Keep up the good work!!!
Πάντως εγώ σε θαυμάζω,τα σύνολα σου είναι τέλεια,δε θα καταλάβαινα με τίποτα ότι είναι "βιαστικά".Αν σε έβλεπα στο δρόμο το πρωί θα σκεφτόμουν ότι ανήκεις στην κατηγορία των ανθρώπων που τους αρέσει το πρωινό ξύπνημα και προλαβαίνουν να ετοιμαστούν με την ησυχία τους!
Ειδικά το πουά καλσόν πάντως είναι υπέροχο,and i love your flats :)
Hi Lopi, congrats on your new job and your new apartment as well , dont' forget we're waiting for pictures :P.
P.S. I love the Wednesday skirt, it's great
to na mhn exis dress code einai fantastiko. exo paei sth douleia forontas apo formes (otan eimai down) mexri goves (pali otan eimai down alla thelo na nioso up)
I like your work outfits. Especially the one with the pretty scarf. I can speak from experience they're hard to do.
...From the winter collection? Oh no... :(
Thank you so much for your reply! I'm sorry for being grouchy but I really loved these tights!
Congratulations for your new job once again!
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