Totally unfeminine?
All of the above?
Guilty as charged!
This is what I have to wear when I ride my bike. Which I don't do that often nowadays. Athens streets are a bitch. But today, I had to collect it from the mechanic in Nea Smyrni and drive it back all the way to Maroussi. In *this* heat.
My face and eyes still hurt from the hot air blasting through my helmet. Not to mention what happened to my legs...

Two-stroke. And that's why I would never wear my more "proper" shoes to ride.
PS. I see many people got confused... I don't ride a bicycle. In fact, I don't remember how to. I drive a two-stroke (hence the oil stains) 125cc motorbike, more specifically the one I mentioned months ago, in this post.
μια χαρά και αυτό το outfit...γιατί όχι!σίγουρα πολύ καλύτερο, αν εξαιρέσεις τα λάδια και τη μυρωδιά της διχρονίλας, από το να οδηγείς στους δρόμους της Αθήνας ή μάλλον να είσαι σταματημένη στους δρόμους της Αθήνας με αυτοκίνητο...λολ
to katalillo tha itan na ipirhe i katallili ipodomi gia ta podilata alla distihos k se auto eimaste akoma poooli piso...as einai...oso gia to outfit antitheta me oti pisteueis einai...totally cool!!
kathyfashiongirl: Καλό θα'ταν να υπάρχουν ποδηλατόδρομοι, αν και δεν θα με επηρέαζε ιδιαίτερα. Believe it or not, έχω ξεχάσει πια να οδηγάω ποδήλατο. Η μηχανούλα μου παραέχει βαρύ τιμόνι για να γυρίσω πίσω στα παλιά...
Aww Im so sorry for your shoes, but I love ur outfit, its kay to go unfeminine sometimes :p
I hope you see this:
Lopi-lopi,tomorrow I may not catch up with you guys cause I have a seminar 6-9at massalias str.
around what time are u planning to leave?
xaxa, ka8e fora pou ntinomai etsi 8imamai to likeio kai nio8o toso groooovy
emena maresi afti i pio steert plevra...telio outfit gia podilatovolta.. :)
prepi kgo na ftia3o to podilato na 3exi8o gia voltes
uperoxo post!
to pa9hma twra egine ma9hma k dn 9a 3anaxalaseis t panemorfa allstarakia sou...oso zeis ma9aineis...wraia k auth h pleura tou eautou sou perepiptwntos...se zhleuw toooso pou kns podhlato mesthn polhhh...
I love dirty all-stars!!! They show an ultra Rock attitude!
They outfit is niiiiice! I LOVE dirty all-star sneakers as well! And I especially love women wearing dirty all stars with shorts and stuff like that! Yay for you!
nati i lopi, egine Harleou...:P wiiiiiiiild!!! , m aresei to olo consept tou eautou sou: mixanes, grafitti sundiasmena me chie mihara, kai high-waist foustes...!!!
hahahhahah!!! i loved this post!!!!
athens is a bitch as far as bikes and bicycles are concerned!!!
i am wearing a similar outfit at work today (minus the converse and the backpack!!!)
congrats on finally getting back the bike!
(don;t you think they should put in the helmet a short of air-con / fan system so its more cool? :P) i am actually serious about this!!!
kala eisai ola ta λ7! sooo wiiild!!!
This look really works on you!
tha simfwnisw me ti nina,mu aresei auti i pio street plevra sou!aneto k me ti swsti dosi atimelitou tha elega..
hey! afto einai my boyfriend's ex bike! k an to pisteveis (Giati psaxnoume ta koina...) douleva sto moto ta teleftea 10 xronia! ;) egw omws...den odhgw! :) opote bravo sou! poly se xairomai!
You are too cool for school! :P
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