Thursday, 1 October 2009

Pattern behaviour

Today was the day I realized I simply cannot pass through Athens International Airport without risking missing my flight browsing the Accessorize store.

This time, it was all about fabric jewelery.
Love my new bangles and ring.


Mika's Fashion said...

so cute! me geia! :)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Very nice! I love the dash of color and pattern they'll add to an outfit.

Thalia said...

loving your new bangles as well!! may be i should visit accessorize to show some love! :P

zansot said...

ahahahah that has actually happened to me too :P
and then I had to run like a mad man with huge accessorize bags
nevermind, a walk in accessorize is worth everything **

Anonymous said...

The bangles are utterly gorgeous. How many outfits have you planned around them so far?

daisychain said...

I LOVE the ring especially

Jo said...

Tα accessorize μπορούν να γίνουν επικίνδυνα...Με γεια και καλοφόρετα, είναι τέλεια τα υφασμάτινα κοσμήματα το χειμώνα...

Alecca Rox said...

i really like that ring... in general I've seen a lot of fabric-trapped-in-plexiglass jewellery already this season <3 <3 <3!

Marietta said...

Thank you for the suggestion!
Who can resist in Accessorize, I could empty the whole shop!

Lopi said...

Thanks for your comments guys.

Sal: I haven't planned any outfits around them, I believe those will work as passe-partout for virtually anything!

ShoppingTherapy said...

accessorize is always full of pleasant interseting and unexpected surprises! last time i visited there was this peculiar zipper-brooch for example, but i managed to resist

Rohini said...

Love the bangles!:)


Mode Junkie said...

oh my god i know right? i almost missed my back flight to germany because i was going crazy on accessorize in manchester. haha. ;) love the bangles!
click here to visit me at mode junkie!

Gabbi said...

Beautiful! And I know what you mean about airport shops... dangerous... but I'm always more prone to the candy items myself. Swiss chocolate especially :)

yiqin; said...

OMG os cute! I wantttt.