Monday, 26 October 2009

Backstage DElight at Fashion Week Athens

Once again, the dream team of QueenB, Hari K and me, was behind the catwalks of Fashion Week Athens. This time, we played secret helpers to my favourite girls of Greek fashion, Evi Retziou and Daphne Iliaki of designer duo DElight.

I was responsible for dressing model Christina.

The DElight girls, supervising Kordula's make-up.

Evi perfecting the fit on the model.

Loved the hair. Double bun - simple but fun!

Mandatory make-up touch-ups.

The friendliest model around, cutie Ismini. We all loved her!

The whole concept of the collection, including the black embroidery on the clothes and the invitation's graphic design, was inspired by the kaleidoscope.

The models all lined-up and ready for the finale.

This is all I saw from the catwalk. Being backstage means no actual show for me.

And to those who were wondering, this is how unglamorous but oh-so-exciting the backstage of a fashion show is.

It was hard work, but dare I say how lucky I was?


Christiana said...


Seems you had a great time too!

We saw you looking behind the curtain.. hahahaha!!!

Penny said...

oo i enjoyed a lot this post of what you did picture by pictures!these girls seem to be full of talent!I love the print on the dresses!

lucia said...

μου αρέσει πολύ η δουλειά των Delight και φαίνονται και πολύ συμπαθητικές. απ ότι βλέπω τα περάσατε τέλεια με την Κατ και την Χαριτίνη. ωραίες φώτο κιόλας. είναι πολύ ωραίο που οι bloggers παίρνουν τέτοιες πρωτοβουλίες!

ShoppingTherapy said...

i'm certain your help was valuable for a great show, like the one the DELIGHT duo deserves.
and i can't even imagine how high your adrenaline rises while being backstage that exact moment the first model steps on the catwalk!

Lopi said...

@Christiana You did? Haha!

@Stella We had a minor shoe crisis at some point, but all went down smooth. And yes, I loved the rush!

daisychain said...

I am loving these posts!

Sher said...

Wow, looks like you had a fantastic time at the fashion show! You're a very lucky girl indeed:)

Beth Ruby said...

LOVE this post!
Those backstage photos are awesome!
Haha and agree, you are one lucky lady :)

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...


Lopi said...

@marb Σεβαστή η γνώμη σου καθώς είναι θέμα γούστου, αλλά να ξέρεις ότι τα μοντέλα πασαρέλας είναι τελείως ξεχωριστή κατηγορία από τα υπόλοιπα (π.χ. τα glamour models που κάνουν τις φωτογραφήσεις στα ανδρικά περιοδικά ή τα μοντέλα καταλόγων) και εξ´ορισμού δεν πρέπει να έχουν μεγάλο στήθος για πρακτικούς λόγους.

meraldia said...

Poly endiaferousa empeiria! Eiste poly tyheres pou isastan sta paraskinia. Pianeis ton palmo me mia poly diaforetiki aisthisi. Mpravo!

Alecca Rox said...

so that's what was going on backstage! not only were you dressing the models, you also shot all these cool pics;) welldone for both!