A while ago, my sister saw me wearing this top. "Amazing" she squealed and decisively added "I want it". "Fine" I said. "How much would you pay for it?" She offered €20, I agreed and we shook hands.
Great deal, considering I had bought in on sale for €6.
Love you sis!
Green top, BERSHKA. Denim skirt, ZARA. Leather belt, ZARA.
xaxaxa... not fair for your sis (since i guess she could just borrow it every time she wanted to)
still, it's a great top, so i can see why she parted with 20e so easily
love your hair!such a sweet face here!
you shouldnt have given the top, unless you needed money desperately.
η αδερφή σου μάλλον δεν πάει ποτέ για ψώνια σε zara-bershka κτλ κτλ για να δει πόσο κάνουν τα t-shirt :P
της το πούλησες τελικά? εγώ δεν θα μπορούσα να πάρω λεφτά από την αδερφή μου (απλά δεν θα της το έδινα :P)
Xa xa xa, auto tha pei epiheirimatiko myalo!!
axaxaxaxa kai pote tha to mathei ???
haha...are you making money out of ur sister miss?! that was one great deal you scored I must say!
*my little sister does it too. well, it works with my mum;)...
it is a fab top :)
I think u should drop architecture and become ma manager!
@sugahspank Come with me and I'll make you a star! :p
@daisychain Thanks honey!
@Alecca Rox I always shop clothes for my mum, as she never has time to do it herself. My sister simply hates shopping, so I charge her. Really.
@Mairyliscious Της το είπα με το που κλείσαμε την συμφωνία. Δεν μπορούσε να κάνει πίσω, είχαμε δώσει χέρια!
@Meraldia Λες να το βάλω στο βιογραφικό μου στην θέση του MBA?
@efi Ξέρει πόσο κάνουν τα t-shirt, αλλά δεν πατάει ποτέ στα μαγαζιά. Της τα ψωνίζω εγώ. Να φανταστείς, η ίδια μου έχει προτείνει να μου δίνει επιπλέον το 10% της αξίας τους για τον κόπο μου. Πραγματικά σιχαίνεται το shopping.
@stella She could, but we really keep our wardrobes separate nowadays. Except for when she has a "I have nothing to wear" crisis, where I always step in and save the day. Everyone's day that is.
@lucia Thanks sweetie! I have to admit, during all those years I have accumulated so many clothes, I could benefit from selling some. And sis really doesn't mind me making a deal out of her. Not that much...
tha sou phgaine pistevw na eisai stylistria-personal shopper! tyxerh h aderfh sou pou se exei :)
Ohhhh, thanks!!!
Και ξέρεις, την λένε και εκείνη Έφη!
eisai polu epixeirhmatiko mualo!
daimonia... :p
χαχαχαχα τι απατεώνισσα που είσαι χαχαχα
dude thats practically stealing! kidding!!!
but for you the case that "ignorance is bliss" quite worked...ignorance for the sister...bliss for you!!!
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