Monday 16 August 2010

Floral white

This dress has the perfect print for these days, that I want to take advantage of my recently tanned shoulders by setting them off with white, and yet, wear happy floral too.

Bonus, the print goes perfectly good together with my turquoise gladiators.

Dress, ESTΑM (a present my sister got me from the USA a while ago). Turquoise gladiators, Zara Kids. Brown leather handbag, Longchamp.
And MADE IN THE USA? That's a label you don't see very often nowadays, other than on American Apparel clothes. Which, by the way, I think are way overrated.


T said...

Great dress. USA! USA! Hahaha.

ShoppingTherapy said...

Juicy couture is also "made in the fabulous USA"
I agree on aa although I'm tempted to make an online order with some "many ways to wear" skirts and scarfs they have

Cristie said...

So so nice! You should have zoomed on the tan.!!!!

Anonymous said...

Super cute!

Lopi said...

I agree that their circle scarf is very practical and the sack dress is somewhat of genius design, BUT whenever I have visited an actual AA shop (in Amsterdam and in Berlin) the quality let me down big time

not to mention the whole sexual harassment scandal on their boss and the unnecessary explicit porn-like ads

Prutha Raithatha said...

love the dress and the shoes!!

follow if u like what u see?

Kathleen said...

AA are the most overrated thing in clothing as fas as can I remember. Cheap quality and way too expensive for what they offer. Very small sizes as well. Massive letdown, well-said Lopi.

PaperCrane said...

Such a cute print on that dress! I also agree about AA's quality. Most of their items are made from fabric that is too thin making V.P.L. inevitable.

(VPL = visible panty lines)

Amanda said...

Nice dress but the shoes..(oh!) beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Made in U.S.A. πολύ απλά σημαίνει ότι τα ρούχα αυτά παράγονται σε νησάκια υπό την κατοχή των Η.Π. με ότι αυτό συνεπάγεται (εκμετάλλευση φυσικά!)

Ψαρωτικό αλλά είναι κάτι αντιστοιχο του Made in China ή Made in INdia.