Enjoy the story!

Elena obsessing as always.

The catwalk was decorated with hay to fit the whole "harvest" concept.

Then the lights dim once again and the show starts!
Enjoy the clothes:

This last one took my breath away...

...some people stayed on the empty catwalk:

I wish I'd had more time to write how much I enjoyed the whole experience. As for the clothes, let's just say that too many of them are already in my wish list.

the color palette is really a sight for a sore eyes... the first short dress you posted is my personal favorite
AMAZING!!!just that..:)
Λατρεύω τις φώτος σου!!
Τόσο τέλειες όσο και αυτή η collection! :)
liked the accessories!
I would love to say only one word "good".
περισσότερο από όλα μου άρεσε το θαλασσί μακρύ φορεματάκι! από πέρυσι θελω να βρς κάτι σε maxi αλλά τίποτα δε μου γεμίζει το μάτι (έχω και δύο μέτρα μπόι βλέπεις :Ρ)
ti apisteuth pou einai h tamta!
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